About the Handbook

Student Code of Conduct

University Policies: A through H

University Policies: I through Z

2022-2023 Student Handbook


All those who enroll in the university accept the terms and conditions stated in the Student Code of Conduct and Policies. Students must also follow the policies and procedures in all university publications when applicable. The university reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student at any time when, in the judgment of university authorities, the general welfare demands such action.

All policies, practices, procedures and regulations listed in university publications are subject to change. Policies may change due to State of Illinois Reopening Regulations, Illinois Department of Public Health, Cook County Department of Public Health, or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, particularly as it relates to COVID-19.  Every effort will be made to provide appropriate supplements and announcements indicating major alterations in current policies, practices, procedures and regulations.

To receive more information about university policies and procedures, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (708) 524-6822.



As a Sinsinawa Dominican-sponsored institution, Dominican University prepares students to pursue truth, to give compassionate service and to participate in the creation of a more just and humane world.


Dominican University will be an innovative leader in empowering graduates from diverse backgrounds to meet the challenges of an increasingly interdependent world.


Dominican University is a diverse, relationship-centered community rooted in a vibrant liberal arts and sciences education, offering rigorous, integrative, and innovative undergraduate, graduate and professional programs. At the heart of the University is its Catholic, Dominican tradition, grounded in the compatibility of faith and reason, which affirms the dignity of the human person and concern for the common good. The University's curricula, research and campus life demonstrate a commitment to ethics, community service, social justice and global citizenship. Dominican University educates one student at a time in the company of others, engaging a multiplicity of cultural, religious and secular worldviews, transforming students, faculty and staff into agents of positive change.


It is the policy and practice of Dominican University to provide and promote employment and academic opportunities for all students, faculty and staff members without regard to race, color, gender, age, marital status, order of protection status, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, medical condition, national origin, ancestry, military status, physical or mental disability, or pregnancy (collectively, “the bases for unlawful discrimination”). All students, faculty and staff members are expected to abide by this policy and to assist in its enforcement.

It is the policy of the University to hire, accept, train, educate, promote, compensate and/or administer all employment and/or academic practices, as the case may be, without regard to any of the bases for unlawful discrimination. Harassment, including sexual harassment, of staff members, students or faculty members because they are members of any of the previously-stated protected groups is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Any student, faculty member or staff member who engages in such prohibited conduct will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination or dismissal, depending on the seriousness of the conduct in question and the surrounding circumstances.

The University will periodically develop and mandate training programs for students, faculty and staff members in furtherance of this policy. Failure to participate in mandatory training may result in registration holds for students and notices of non-compliance or other disciplinary action for members of the faculty and staff.


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a disruptive, stressful influence on all of our lives. As a member of the Dominican University community, I understand that I have an important role in keeping myself healthy and in protecting others from the spread of this virus. My commitment to the following community expectations is a lived expression of Dominican caritas and veritas.


• Extending patience and support to others, knowing that this is a complex and stressful situation for all

• Fostering a just and humane campus climate by treating each person fairly and with respect, and helping one another to adhere to this commitment with compassion and empathy


• Complying with the University’s vaccination policy

• Following recommendations and requirements related to travel and gatherings on and off campus

• Apprising visitors and guests on campus, including in the residence halls, of Dominican’s policies

• Washing my hands frequently with soap and water or sanitizing them regularly

• Complying with mask mandates, when in place

• Practicing respiratory etiquette and covering my cough/sneeze

• Cleaning and disinfecting my personal space, shared common space, and my belongings daily

Monitor and Care

• Conducting daily self-monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19

• Reporting any positive COVID-19 tests to the COVID Tracker

• Agreeing to self-isolate if I test positive for COVID-19 and to follow guidance on returning to campus

• Participating in COVID-19 testing, if required

• Participating fully and honestly with contact tracing to determine whom I may have exposed to COVID-19

I understand that Dominican University may modify these guidelines and expectations, based on the fluidity of the COVID-19 virus. It is my responsibility to stay informed to protect myself and the University community. I also acknowledge that these expectations are a condition of my enrollment and/or employment and that any failure to comply with the Caritas Commitment may lead to disciplinary action.

I understand COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus and it is possible to contract the disease, even if I follow all of the safety precautions above and those recommended by the CDC, local health department, and other agencies. I understand that, although the University is following the guidelines issued by the CDC and other experts to reduce the spread of infection, I can never be completely shielded from all risk of illness caused by COVID-19 or other infections.

I understand that Dominican University is not responsible, and cannot be held liable, if any community member becomes infected with COVID-19.

I have read this document and understand it is my responsibility as a member of the Dominican community to uphold the Caritas Commitment.

Student Code of Conduct Philosophy

Dominican University students experience an environment that encourages intellectual growth through free inquiry. We recognize that freedom to teach and learn depends upon truthful and caring conditions in the classroom, on the campus and in the larger community. The maintenance of the traditions of truth and caring demands a high standard of respect for the rights and dignity of others and for adherence to the necessary policies established to give order to our daily lives. Dominican University expects responsible social conduct of students, which reflects well on themselves and the university.

Dominican University is committed to fostering a campus environment that is conducive to academic inquiry, productive campus life, thoughtful study and discourse. A community exists on the basis of shared values and principles. At Dominican University, student members of the community are expected to uphold and abide by the standards of conduct that form the basis of the Student Code of Conduct. These standards are embodied within a set of core values that include integrity, social justice, respect, community and responsibility. When members of the community fail to exemplify these values, campus conduct proceedings are used to assert and uphold the Student Code of Conduct. 

Ultimately, each member of the Dominican University community is expected to assume responsibility for their conduct and to assume reasonable responsibility for the behavior of others. On occasion, this may involve bystander intervention when one member observes another in inappropriate conduct. At other times it will involve cooperation when the authorities are investigating instances of alleged misconduct.

The Student Code of Conduct is committed to an educational and developmental process that balances the interests of individual students with the interests of the University community.  The student conduct process at Dominican University is not intended to punish students. Rather, it exists to protect the interests of the community and to challenge those whose behavior is not in accordance with our standards. Sanctions are intended to challenge students’ moral and ethical decision-making and to help them bring their behavior into accord with our community expectations. When a student is unable to conform their behavior to community expectations, the student conduct process may determine that they should no longer share in the privilege of participating in this community.

Students should be aware that the student conduct process is quite different from criminal and civil court proceedings. Procedures and rights in student conduct proceedings are conducted with fairness to all, but do not include the same protections of due process afforded by the courts. Fair process, within these procedures, assures written notice and a hearing before an objective decision is made. It assures that no student will be found in violation of university policy without information showing that it is more likely than not that a policy violation occurred, and that any sanction will be proportionate to the severity of the violation and to the cumulative conduct history of the student.

Standards of Behavior

In accordance with the university motto Caritas et Veritas, compassion and truth, Dominican University has developed standards of behavior in support of the intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional development of each student.

Dominican University students exemplify honesty, honor and a respect for truth in all of their dealings. 

Dominican University students build, enhance and value their community. 

Social Justice
Dominican University students are just and equitable in their treatment of all members of the community and act to discourage and/or intervene to prevent unjust and inequitable behaviors.

Dominican University students show positive regard for self, each other, for property, and for the community. 

Dominican University students are given and accept a high level of responsibility to self, to others and to the community.

Jurisdiction over Student Conduct

Students at Dominican University are annually emailed a link to the Student Code of Conduct and are responsible for knowing the information, policies and procedures outlined.  The Student Code of Conduct and the student conduct process applies to the conduct of individual students and university-affiliated groups, organizations, teams, etc.  

The Student Code of Conduct is based on shared values and sets a range of expectations for the Dominican University student no matter where or when their conduct may take place.  Therefore, the Student Code of Conduct will apply to behaviors that take place on the campus, at college-sponsored events, and may also apply off campus when the administration determines that the off-campus conduct affects a substantial college interest.  A substantial University interest is defined to include:

    • Any situation where it appears the student’s conduct may present a danger or threat to the health or safety of self or others; and/or
    • Any situation that significantly impinges upon the rights, property or achievements of self or others or significantly breaches the peace and/or causes social disorder; and/or
    • Any situation that is detrimental to the educational mission and/or interests of the University.

The Student Code of Conduct may be applied to conduct that takes place during the time a person is enrolled as a student, including intra-semester breaks and between semesters.  Further, the Student Code of Conduct applies to guests of community members, whose hosts may be held accountable for the misconduct of their guests. The Student Code of Conduct also protects visitors to and guests of Dominican University, and they may initiate grievances for violations of the Student Code of Conduct committed by members of the Dominican University community against them.

The Student Code of Conduct may be applied to behavior conducted online, vie email or other electronic medium.  Students should be aware that online postings such as blogs, web postings, chats and social networking sites are in the public sphere and are not private.  These postings can subject a student to allegations of conduct violations if evidence of policy violations is posted online.  The University does not regularly search for this information but may take action if and when such information is brought to the attention of University officials.

There is no time limit on reporting violations of the Student Code of Conduct; however, the longer someone waits to report an offense, the harder it becomes for University officials to obtain information and witness statements and to make determinations regarding alleged violations.

Dominican University reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any student whose behavior undermines the academic or social purposes, safety or order of the campus community. Disciplinary action is usually initiated by a written complaint or report submitted by any member of the Dominican community or guest. While it is possible to submit an anonymous report, an individual filing a report is encouraged to include their name on the report in order to expedite a disciplinary inquiry. Reports can be filed with the Office of the Dean of Students, Campus Safety or Student Life.

Behavioral Expectations

The following types of misconduct, whether committed by a student or their guests, are only examples and not exhaustive of the kinds of behavior subject to student disciplinary action. In addition to university regulations, all federal, state and municipal laws must be obeyed. All policy violations will be reported to the Office of the Dean of Students.

  1. Threat or cause of physical or psychological abuse to any person
  2. Harassment or the infringement of the rights of another person.
  3. Bias against an individual based on their identity, such as gender, ability, race, ethnicity.  This includes but is not limited to: gender based violence, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, stalking, harassment, and discrimination.  See One Process Policy and Title IX Policy.
  4. Interference, obstruction or disruption with activities at or sponsored by the university, as well as inciting, aiding, or encouraging other persons to engage in such conduct. Activities include special events and the normal daily operation of the institution.
  5. Academic dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, forgery, misuse or falsification of university documents or official papers, or dishonest acts.  See the University Bulletin for additional information regarding Academic Integrity.
  6. Theft or damage to university or individual property, or known possession of stolen property.
  7. Theft or misuse of services of any kind.
  8. Commercial solicitation, which is not permitted on campus except by recognized student organizations and athletic teams and approved by the Office of the Dean of Students.
  9. Failure to appropriately comply with the directions of a university official and/or with the policies and procedures of any official university document and/or processes.
  10. Unauthorized entry to or inappropriate use of university premises, facilities or property.
  11. Misuse of fire safety equipment; setting fires; failure to evacuate the building during a fire alarm or violation of any fire safety policy. Using emergency exits in non-emergencies is prohibited.  Any open flame or burning substances such as candles, incense, etc., are not allowed.
  12. Possession or use of explosives (including fireworks and ammunition), firearms (including air, BB, paintball, facsimile weapons and pellet guns), or other weapons or dangerous objects such as arrows, axes, machetes, nunchucks, throwing stars, or knives, including the storage of any item that falls within the category of a weapon in a vehicle parked on University property. 
  13. Demonstrations that are disorderly, disruptive, obstructs teaching, study, research or administration of the university, endangers the safety of others, or is meant to coerce, intimidate, target, or demean members of the community. 
  14. Violation of the Drug policy, which includes, use, possession, manufacturing, selling or distribution of any drug; possession of any device or property used in connection with illegal drugs. See the Alcohol and Drug Policy for the full policy.
  15. Violation of the Alcohol policy, which includes possession of alcohol by individuals under 21, alcohol in common area spaces, public intoxication. See the Alcohol and Drug Policy for the full policy.
  16. Students are expected to abide by the federal laws and the laws of the State of Illinois prohibiting illegal gambling. See the Gambling Policy for further clarification.
  17. Falsifying, changing, or altering any data or knowingly providing false information on any university documents, including producing false documents, is prohibited.  Students must carry their student ID card at all times. The student ID card must be presented and/or surrendered at any time it is requested by a university official, including Welcome Information Desk Attendants. During an alleged policy violation, students must present their Dominican University ID card when asked by a university official, including Resident Assistants.
  18. All acts of hazing by any individual student and university registered student club or organization and any of its members or alumnae/i are prohibited. See Hazing Policy.
  19. Behavior that causes disturbance or distress to the university community.
  20. Smoking and tobacco products are prohibited in all university buildings and on all university property.  See the Tobacco Policy for additional information.
  21. Breaking any local, state or federal law either on or off campus.
  22. Violation of any policy or regulation contained in the Student Handbook, Student Involvement Manual, Residence Hall Housing Contract and Guidelines, IT Acceptable Use Policy, or any other publication of the university.
  23. Violation of the university Guest Responsibility and Visitation Policy.
  24. Loud and/or inappropriate noises are prohibited.  Students and their guests must comply with the quiet and courtesy hours in the residence halls.

University as Complainant
As necessary, Dominican University reserves the right to initiate a complaint, to serve as complainant and to initiate conduct proceedings without a formal complaint by the victim of misconduct.

Prohibition against Retaliation

Dominican University strictly prohibits any adverse action against any individual for reporting incidents, providing information, or exercising their rights under this policy.  No individual who makes a complaint alleging a violation of this policy or who participates in the investigation or resolution of a complaint shall be subject to retaliation as a result of such activity or participation. Retaliation is defined as conduct that 1) adversely affects the individual’s employment or their opportunity to access or benefit from the University’s programs or activities; and 2) is motivated in whole or in part by the individual’s participation in the complaint process. Retaliation exists when action is taken against a complainant or participant during the complaint process or after the resolution of a complaint.

Retaliatory actions include threats or actual violence against a person or that person’s property or threats on social media.  Retaliation may involve engaging in ridicule, intimidation, bullying, or inciting adverse educational or employment consequences, or colluding with others to embarrass or punish an individual who filed a complaint or participated in an investigation, or hearing. Retaliation is not limited to the complainant or respondent— any individual or group of individuals involved in an investigation can engage in or be affected by retaliatory conduct.

Any acts of retaliation shall be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the University.

False Reports
Dominican University will not tolerate intentional false reporting of incidents. It is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct to make an intentionally false report of any policy violation, and it may also violate state criminal statutes and civil defamation laws. 

Group Violations
When members of groups, individuals acting collusively, or members of an organization act in concert in violation of any policy, they may be held accountable as a group, and a hearing may proceed against the group as joint accused students. In any such action, however, determinations will be made with respect to the involvement of each accused individual. 

Immunity for Victims
Dominican University encourages the reporting of conduct code violations and crimes by victims. Sometimes victims are hesitant to report to college officials because they fear that they themselves may be accused of policy violations, such as underage drinking at the time of the incident. It is in the best interests of this community that as many victims as possible choose to report to university officials. To encourage reporting, Dominican University pursues a policy of offering limited immunity from policy violations related to the incident.

Bystander Intervention 
The welfare of students in our community is of paramount importance. At times, students on and off campus may need assistance. Dominican University encourages students to offer help and assistance to others in need. Sometimes, students are hesitant to offer assistance to others for fear that they may get in trouble themselves. Dominican University pursues a policy of limited immunity for students who offer help to others in need. While policy violations cannot be overlooked, the university will provide educational options, rather than punishment, to those who offer their assistance to others in need.

Parental Notification
Dominican University reserves the right to notify parents/guardians of dependent students regarding any conduct situation, particularly alcohol and other drug violations. The university may also notify parents/guardians of non-dependent students who are under age 21 of alcohol and/or drug policy violations. Where a student is non-dependent, Dominican University will contact parents/guardians to inform them of situations in which there is a health and/or safety risk. Dominican University also reserves the right to designate which university officials have a need to know about individual conduct complaints pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Notification of Outcomes
The outcome of a campus hearing is part of the educational record of the accused student and is protected from release under a federal law, FERPA. However, Dominican University observes the legal exceptions as follows:

  1. Complainants in sexual misconduct and sexual harassment incidents, as well as other incidents as deemed by the dean of students or their designee, have a right to be informed of the outcome and sanctions of the hearing, in writing, without condition or limitation.
  2. The university may release publicly the name, nature of the violation and the sanction for any student who is found in violation of a college policy that is a crime of violence, including: arson, assault offenses (including stalking), burglary, robbery, criminal homicide, destruction/damage/vandalism of property, kidnapping/abduction, robbery, forcible sex offenses, and non-forcible sex offenses.  The university may release this information to the complainant in any of these offenses regardless of the outcome, but complainants are cautioned that FERPA does not permit them to re-release this information to others.

Dominican University respects and values the self-reflection that is required to explain behavioral patterns leading to policy violation. While your reason will not excuse your actions, Dominican University will take the legitimacy of your reason into consideration in addressing the proper sanction. 

Interim Action

Under the Student Code of Conduct, the Dean of Students or designee may impose restrictions and/or separate a student from the community pending the scheduling of a conduct hearing on alleged violation(s) of the Student Code of Conduct when a student represents a threat of serious harm to others, is facing allegations of serious criminal activity, to preserve the integrity of an investigation, to preserve University property and/or to prevent disruption of, or interference with, the normal operations of the University.  Interim actions may include separation from the institution or restrictions on participation in the community pending the outcome of a conduct hearing.

During an interim suspension, a student may be denied access to University housing and/or the University campus/facilities/events.  A student is responsible for all tuition and fees during an interim suspension.  As determined by the Dean of Students, this restriction may include classes and/or all other University activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible.  At the discretion of the Dean of Students and with the collaboration with the appropriate College Dean(s), alternative coursework options may be pursued to ensure as minimal impact as possible on the responding student.

Students' Rights and Responsibilities

The Dean of Students and/or their designee(s) is responsible for the interpretation and implementation of university policy regarding student rights and responsibilities. In the event that a student violates the code of conduct, they will be given fair process according to the guidelines of the conduct process and the student’ rights and responsibilities.

  1. Students are responsible for reading the Student Code of Conduct and Policies and being familiar with its contents. Not knowing its content does not preclude the student from being responsible for the information provided.
  2. Students will be notified of all conduct proceedings and results through their Dominican University email account
  3. Students will be notified of the date, time and place of the conduct hearing at least 72 hours (three business days) in advance. The notice will include a description of the policies allegedly violated. Student may request a waiver of the 72 hour notice to request an expedited meeting.  When possible, those requests will be accepted.
  4. A student may be assisted at hearings by only one Dominican University faculty/staff member. The faculty/staff member cannot speak for the student; the faculty/staff member can only advise the student. Communication from the faculty/staff member can only happen between the student and the faculty/staff member and can be limited at the discretion of the conduct officer. Students must notify the conduct officer if they intend to bring a faculty/staff member and must provide the faculty/staff member’s name at least 24 hours in advance of the hearing. No one other than the principals (those to have allegedly violated the Code of Conduct) in the case, one faculty/staff member per student, any direct witnesses, and conduct officers are allowed to be present.
  5. The conduct officer(s) determination will be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the accused student violated the student code of conduct.
  6. The accused student(s) have a right to review a list of witnesses in advance of the hearing and review written statements in advance by contacting the conduct officer(s) hearing the case.
  7. Both the accused student(s) and complainant(s) will have the opportunity to bring direct witnesses and present information. If the accused student or complainant is bringing witnesses, they must inform the conduct officer in writing at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The accused student(s) will have the right to speak on their behalf, hear and respond to witnesses, and review any written statements at the meeting. Students are not allowed to have copies of any of the materials.
  8. The decision in each case will be based on information presented at the hearing. The conduct history of the accused student(s) will not be used in determining the student’s culpability, but will be used in determining the appropriate sanction(s). If the alleged violation is a pattern offence and the evidence of pattern is relevant, an exception will be made.
  9. A decision will be presented to the student through their Dominican email within 72 hours (three business days) of the meeting or as defined by the conduct officer(s).
  10. All witnesses, in any meeting, must attend if called. If a student is called as a witness and does not appear, this will be considered a failure to comply, and the student is subject to disciplinary action. Witnesses must be truthful and appropriate in all their testimony.
  11. The accused is expected to be in attendance for the hearing, unless there is a need for an academic accommodation, which will be reviewed by the Dean of Students.  If the accused student fails to appear for the hearing, the conduct hearing will be held in the student’s absence.
  12. The conduct officer(s) will deliberate in private and render a decision based on the information presented at the hearing.
  13. If there are multiple conduct officers, decisions will be made by a majority vote.
  14. No recording devices of any kind are allowed.
  15. A student may request a review of the decision of a hearing. See the Review Process section for clarification on how to appropriately request a review of a decision.
  16. A student may waive their fair process rights and accept responsibility for the policy violation.  The student will have an Educational Conference to assist in the development of a sanction. This action may be initiated by the student or the University.

Conduct Procedures

Conduct officers can be both faculty and/or staff that have participated in training offered by the Dean of Students office. These individuals hear cases delegated to them by the Dean of Students. The conduct officer(s) will decide if a student is responsible or not responsible for the alleged violation(s).

There are three types of conduct processes.  The conduct type will be determined on the severity of the alleged violation and/or the conduct history of the student(s) involved.  The rights of a student are the same in each hearing type as stated in the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities section. The conduct hearing will be scheduled around the student’s academic schedule.

Administrative Hearing
Single or multiple designee(s) of the Dean of Students.  Administrative hearings will be used for first time offenses or lower level offenses, as determined by the Dean of Students.

Dean of Students Conduct Board
A conduct board made up of staff and/or faculty, all acting as Dean of Students designees. This type of hearing is used for more egregious violations or repeat offenders.

Alternative Dispute Resolution
The University reserves the right to utilize, at its discretion, an Alternative Dispute Resolution. These may include, but are not limited to; arbitration, mediation, and restorative justice approaches.

Mediation is an alternate dispute resolution process intended to facilitate restoration and reconciliation of relationships. If mediation is determined an appropriate alternative, all parties agree to meet with an impartial trained mediator(s) to discuss the incident and attempt to resolve it amicably. Mediation is successful when the parties have reached a consensus about the details of the incident and how it will be resolved. Mediation is a voluntary process and any party may request that mediation be terminated at any time.

All parties must agree to an Alternative Dispute Resolution and to be bound by the decision with no Review available.  Any unsuccessful Alternative Dispute Resolution can be referred to a conduct hearing.

The Dean of Students may also suggest that complaints that do not involve a violation of the Student Code of Conduct be referred to an Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Review Process

A student has the right to request a review of a decision made at the initial hearing by a conduct officer(s). If a review request is denied, no further requests are allowed for the same case. If a review is granted, the review board’s decision is final and no further reviews will be considered.

A request for a review must be submitted using the online form on Star Tracker, to the office of the Dean of Students within 72 hours (three business days) after a student is notified of the outcome of the conduct hearing.   To access the form select “Ask for Help”.  Then on the drop down menu choose “Student Conduct Request for a Review.”

Except as required to explain the basis of new information, a review will be limited to review of the initial hearing and supporting documents for one or more of the following purposes:

  1. To consider new information, unavailable at the time of the original hearing, that could be outcome determinative;
  2. To assess whether a material deviation from written procedures impacted the fairness of the hearing;
  3. To decide if a sanction(s) is grossly disproportionate to the severity of the offense;
  4. To determine that the finding does not accord with the information; or
  5. To assess whether bias on the part of a conduct board member deprived the process of impartiality.

The Dean of Students, and/or their designee(s), will conduct an initial review to determine if the review request meets the grounds and is timely.  If the Review Request is not timely or substantively eligible, the original finding and sanction will stand and the decision is final.

If the review request is considered to have merit, a review board will be convened. A review is heard by a review board made up of three individuals designated by the Dean of Students, none of whom have been involved in the original hearing. If the reason for Review is to consider new information, the Dean of Students may decide to return the information to the original hearing board for Review.  Any sanctions given to the students in the initial hearing are not binding unless the Dean of Students decides otherwise. The review board has the right to call the initial conduct officer(s).

A review of the decision made at the initial hearing is NOT a rehearing of the case. The review board will consider the merit of the student’s allegations and decide a course of action by majority vote. The review board may choose to affirm the original decision or if overturned, a new sanction may be given, an alternate action may be imposed, and/or a new hearing may be convened.

Possible Sanctions

Following is a list of possible sanctions. Sanctions not on this list may be given for violations of the Code of Conduct.

  • Warning/Reprimand: An official written notice that the behavior is in violation of policy with notification that further violations will result in more serious sanctions.
  • Educational/Creative Project(s): These sanctions are directly related to the incident or behavior and are designed to help educate the student about the consequences of their actions. These might include video or book review, attending a program, planning a program and/or assisting university staff.
  • Community Service: Student participation in an activity designed to assist the university or surrounding community, i.e., volunteer activities at local churches, hospitals, agencies, campus projects or facilities.
  • Restitution: Compensation for damage or loss to the University or any person’s property. 
  • Fines: Reasonable fines may be imposed for violation of University policy.
  • Confiscation of Prohibited Property: Items whose presence is in violation of University policy will be confiscated and will become the property of the University.
  • Loss of Privileges: The student will be denied specified privileges for a designated period of time.
  • Visitation Privilege Loss: A student may have their visitation privileges to the residence halls suspended or revoked indefinitely.
  • Behavioral Requirement: This includes required activities including, but not limited to, seeking academic counseling or substance abuse screening, writing a letter of apology, etc.
  • Probation(s): Supervision of the student’s conduct for a designated period of time during which a subsequent infraction of any university regulation or any standard will result in more serious conduct action. Terms of probation are to be decided by the conduct officers and can include but are not limited to: a) inability to represent the university in an official capacity such as student leadership positions, athletics, etc. and b) inability to participate in university activities or designated events.  Probationary meetings may also be imposed.  The student is deemed “not in good disciplinary standing” for the period of probation.
  • No-Trespass Order: The student will not be allowed to enter university buildings or other university property as defined in the sanction.
  • Relocation of Housing: The student’s room assignment may be changed to an alternate room or building.
  • University Housing Suspension: Removal from University housing for a specified period of time after which the student is eligible to return.  Conditions for re-admission to University housing may be specified.  A student is required to vacate the residence hall at the date and time specified in the Hearing Outcome Letter.
  • Dismissal From Residence: The student’s privilege to live in, or visit, any University housing structure is revoked for an extended period of time or permanently. 
  • Suspension: Separation of the student from the university for a specified minimum period of time, after which the student is eligible to return.  Eligibility may be contingent upon satisfaction of specific conditions noted at the time of suspension.  During the suspension period, the student is banned from university property, facilities and events.  
  • Termination of Scholarship: Removal/termination of any scholarship provided by Dominican University.
  • Dismissal: Permanent separation of the student from the university. The student will not be allowed to re-enroll in the university.  The student is banned from university property, facilities and events.
  • Other Sanctions: Additional or alternate sanctions may be created and designed as deemed appropriate to the offense with the approval of the Dean of Students or designee.

Violations of the Caritas Commitment are violations of the Code of Conduct and can result in sanctions, such as warnings, fines, educational/creative projects or a suspension.

A student is responsible for all tuition and fees during a suspension or if a dismissal is implemented.  Any of the above sanctions may be imposed upon groups or organizations found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.  In addition, deactivation, de-recognition, loss of all privileges (including status as a University registered group or organization), for a specified period of time.

Failure to Complete Conduct Sanctions

All students, as members of the University community, are expected to comply with conduct sanctions within the time frame specified by the Dean of Students or designee. Failure to follow through on conduct sanctions by the date specified, whether by refusal, neglect or any other reason, may result in alternate sanctions being implemented (such as a fine for non-compliance), a new hearing, and/or suspension from the University.

Disciplinary Records

All conduct records are maintained by the University for seven years from the time of their creation except those that result in separation (suspension or dismissal, including from housing) which are maintained indefinitely.

Academic Policies

For a full listing, consult the University Bulletin at http://bulletin.dom.edu/.

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Drug Free Campus/Workplace Policy Statement

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act mandates that institutions of higher education adopt and implement a policy designed to prevent the unlawful possession, use, dispensation or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by faculty, staff and students and, provide certification to the Department of Education that such a policy is in place. The university has developed this policy not only in response to this federal anti-drug legislation, but also to provide a healthy environment by preventing the use of drugs or the abuse of alcohol within the university community.

Any faculty, staff or student who violates this policy or does not cooperate with the university in its attempts to maintain a drug-free environment will face disciplinary action up to and including termination/expulsion from the university. Such persons also may be required, as a condition of continuing their relationship with the university, to enroll in substance-abuse counseling and/or a treatment program at their own expense.

Individuals violating any town ordinances, state criminal laws or federal laws relating to alcohol or drug use may risk fines and imprisonment.  In the event prosecution occurs outside the University, students may also be subject to the University’s Student Conduct process. 

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with resources available in the area for substance-abuse counseling and treatment. In addition, the counseling services in the Wellness Center are available to assist students with substance-related problems. The Wellness Center respects the confidential nature of information shared by participants in its programs. Faculty and staff may utilize the resources in the Employee Assistance Program available through Human Resources to receive referrals.  If questions arise related to any of these guidelines or policies, please direct them to the appropriate university department.

This policy applies to all Dominican University faculty, staff and students.

  1. In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, Dominican University is committed to the maintenance of a drug-free workplace and is committed to rigorous enforcement of applicable laws and policies to support those trying to cope with drug-related problems.
  2. Dominican University is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace in compliance with applicable laws. The use, possession, distribution, dispensation, sale or manufacture of controlled substances is prohibited on university property or as any part of it activities. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and or expulsion from the university.
  3. The illegal or improper use of controlled substances can: seriously injure the health of others: adversely impair the performance of responsibilities: and endanger the safety and well-being of fellow employees, students and members of the general public. It is therefore the policy of Dominican University to discourage the use of controlled substances by its faculty, staff and students at any time. Faculty and staff seeking resources for substance abuse issues may confidentially contact Human Resources. Students can contact the Wellness Center for confidential support and resources.
  4. An employee of Dominican University will notify their supervisor if they are convicted of a criminal drug offense involving the workplace within five days of conviction (this includes student workers). Such conviction will be grounds for mandatory evaluation and possible treatment for a substance abuse disorder, and for disciplinary action up to and including termination. In the event any such conviction involves an employee working on a federal contract or grant, the University will notify the granting or contracting federal agency within 10 days of receiving notice of a conviction.
  5. This statement and its requirements are promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 enacted by the U.S. Congress. The university will continue its effort to maintain a drug-free environment by adhering to the above policy and by providing on-going drug awareness programs.
  6. Failure to comply with the foregoing rules will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. The terms of this policy statement are conditions of employment at the university.


Dominican University’s alcohol policy, written in accordance with the Drug-Free Campus Act and Illinois State law, supports the mission of the institution and its academic goals. 

  • Alcohol is not allowed in public areas of the university. This includes, but is not limited to, classrooms, lounges, parking lots, library, hallways, etc.
  • No one under the age of 21 is allowed to possess or consume alcohol.
  • Any alcohol that is possessed by a minor, and/or is present during any policy violation, may be confiscated and/or emptied.
  • The manufacturing, brewing, purchasing or selling of alcohol is never allowed.
  • Excessive drinking and intoxication will not be tolerated and is a violation of the policy.
  • Members of the community who choose to drink will be held fully responsible for their behavior while under the influence of alcohol. Loss of control due to intoxication in no way excuses or justifies violation of state law, university regulations or the rights of others.
  • Any violation of state laws regarding alcohol will be considered grounds for university disciplinary action.

Any event sponsored by a university department, organization or group at which alcohol will be served or consumed must be approved by the Dean of Students. A checklist assuring all liability and risk management standards have been adhered to will be completed by the hosting/sponsoring department or division.  Student organizations or groups are encouraged to meet with the Dean of Students early in the event planning process to determine if approval will be granted.

The hosting/sponsoring department or division of the event is responsible for all aspects of the event including, but not limited to, the following standards:

  • Registering and purchasing all liquor licenses in compliance with local, state and federal laws.
  • Providing proof of liability insurance and liquor license, if the venue is off-campus.
  • Hiring of sufficient security personnel.
  • Hiring approved bartenders that are trained and certified in TIPS or other equivalent training program.  If the venue is off-campus, proof of training and certification is required for the bartenders.
  • Supervision of underage persons to ensure there is not underage consumption of alcohol (i.e., carding). No one under the age of 21 is allowed to serve, possess or consume alcohol.
  • Removal and disposal of all unused alcohol.
  • Any and all costs for insurance or damage to university property.
  • No kegs, beer bongs, party balls or other common containers of alcohol are allowed, unless advance written notice is made by the appropriate university official and approved by the Dean of Students. 


  • Only those 21 or older may possess or consume alcohol in the residence halls room of those that are 21 or over. Both residents and guests in the room where alcohol is being consumed must be 21 or over.
  • Those who are 21 or older are prohibited from giving alcohol to minors.
  • No one under 21 may be present in a residence hall room where alcohol is being consumed, unless it is a host student’s roommate.
  • Anyone of legal drinking age bringing alcohol into the residence hall must cover it.
  • Common-source containers (kegs, etc.) are not allowed and will be confiscated and not returned.
  • Students may not display empty containers, including but not limited to, shot glasses, bottles, etc in their rooms or in their windows.
  • Students are not allowed to display alcohol promotions or advertisements in their room, on their doors, or in their windows. 


The unlawful use, possession, manufacturing, selling, and/or distribution of illicit drugs are strictly prohibited at Dominican University. Students, who use, sell, create, possess, distribute or provide controlled substances will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the student code of conduct.

Although Illinois has passed laws allowing the use of medical cannabis and recreational cannabis in certain circumstances, federal laws classify cannabis as a controlled substance and prohibit cannabis use, possession, and distribution on property owned by institutions of higher education or in any activities operated by such institutions.   In addition, the applicable Illinois laws indicate that colleges and universities are not prevented from prohibiting cannabis consistent with federal law.   As such, the use, possession, and distribution of cannabis on DU’s campus (or other DU property) or as any part of its activities remains prohibited, notwithstanding Illinois laws legalizing the use of medical and recreational cannabis. 

Any drug or drug paraphernalia will be confiscated from the student and not returned. This includes, but is not limited to, lighters, roach clips, scales, bowls, baggies, hookahs, bongs, pipes, e-cigarettes, etc. 

When adjudicating any case involving drugs, physical evidence of drug use is not required for a finding of responsibility in a case.  Scent or smell of drug use, or other behaviors and/or observations made by students and/or university officials and personnel, may be used in determining the outcome. 


Return Policy

  • Non-textbook items in resalable condition may be refunded or exchanged within 30 days of purchase with original receipt. Clothing must have original tag attached.
  • Electronics, except Apple products, may be returned if in original unopened condition.
  • Course materials in resalable condition may be refunded with receipt by date listed in the bookstore, after the date within two business days of purchase thereafter.
  • Course materials purchased during or after mid-term exams are non-returnable, but may be sold back to the bookstore at any time.
  • Upon proof of dropping a course or course cancellation, Stepan Bookstore will accept course material returns until the end of the official drop/add period. Rental textbooks must be checked-in by the last day of finals.

Please note:

  • Original receipt and photo ID are required for all refunds/exchanges.
  • All shrink-wrapped books must remain unopened, all supplemental materials must be present and unopened, and all materials must be in original condition.
  • Coursepacks, exam review books and magazines are non-returnable.
  • Students are not allowed to use parents’ credit cards unless the parent is present. Parents may purchase course materials or gift cards for their students online at www.stepanstore.com.

Dance Policy

This policy has been created through the collaboration of departments and students in order to preserve the safety of the Dominican University community and to support successful planning of dances by student organizations or campus groups.

  1. These policies apply to ALL dances that take place on- or off-campus.
  2. Only registered student organizations in good standing with Student Life or campus groups with support of a department/office may sponsor a dance. All groups must follow the Dance Policy.    
  3. A Dance Request Form must be submitted to Student Life at least 30 days prior to the event through the event request process on engageDU.
  4. The total number of attendees that a group would like host must be indicated on the event request form and be reflected by the number of tickets the organization sells. This number and location of the event will be used in determining the amount of security staff necessary for the dance.
  5. Security staff must be coordinated by the group(s) requesting the dance at least 30 days prior to the date of the dance by working with Campus Safety. A final count of security staff needed will be due at least 15 days prior to the date of the dance. Campus Safety can provide security at dances at no cost; however, if deadlines and procedures are not followed there could be a charge for security.
  6. At minimum, the following staff will be required for the event. If these individuals are not present at their designated times your event may be delayed or canceled.
  1. There may be different needs of security, but generally the expectation is one (1) security staff person will need to be hired for each 50 individuals attending the dance (50:1). All security staff will be hired or subcontracted through Campus Safety.
  2. Three (3) students representing the sponsoring organization(s) will need to be present at the dance for its entirety. These students will also be required to have an organization meeting with Student Life and any other requested meetings with Student Life leading up to the dance. These students may not have consumed alcoholic beverages and/ or drugs, excluding prescription, 12 hours prior of the event start and may not do so during their dance responsibilities.
  3. Two (2) faculty/staff members are required to be present at the dance for its entirety. The responsibilities of these individuals will begin at set up for the dance and concludes upon completion of clean-up of the event. These staff members may not have consumed alcoholic beverages and/or drugs, excluding prescription, 12 hours prior of the event start and may not do so during their dance responsibilities.
        1. One (1) faculty/staff member must be an advisor from the sponsoring organization(s) or a designee approved by Student Life
  1. One (1) in person mandatory meeting with Student Life will be required for the student leaders and the advisor of group three (3) weeks prior to the dance.  The week of the dance Student Life will confirm all student and faculty/staff chaperones via email that chaperones must respond to.
  2. When marketing and selling tickets, all dance policies must be communicated to those attending the dance before the date of the dance (ie. no alcohol, guest policy, no bags, etc.)
  3. No off-campus publicity will be allowed for dances.
  4. ALL tickets printed for the event must be numbered.
  5. Wristbands or other identifying markers must be worn by all student event staff and attendees. Wristbands are available through Student Life in the SIRC. The sponsoring organization(s)’ account may be charged for the costs of all wristbands.
  6. No entry to dance without ticket.
  7. No machine or device, including but not limited to, fog machines, dry ice, etc. which can obscure vision or create artificial smoke, may be used. 
  8. No backpacks or large purses will be permitted in the dance.  All bags and purses are subject to search.
  9. No outside food or beverages may be brought into the dance by attendees.
  10. All Dominican University students and guests will need to show a current photo ID at the door. Dominican University students must have their student ID.
  11. The number of guests per Dominican student will be limited to three (3). In accordance with the Code of Conduct, the Dominican student hosting these guests will need to check in their guests to enter the dance and will be held responsible for the behavior of their guest(s) throughout the event. If a guest is removed from the event, their Dominican host, and any other guests attributed to the Dominican student, will be removed as well.  Any guests removed from the dance will be removed from campus.
  12. Age restrictions: Minimum age for entry to the dance is 18. The only exceptions will be for Dominican University students who can show a current Dominican University ID.
  13. Any students/guests that appear to be intoxicated, under the influence of illegal drugs, or who demonstrate inappropriate behavior will be removed from the dance and will be referred to/documented by campus safety and security and/or professional staff members as appropriate.
  14. All dances must conclude by 1:00 a.m.


Drones and Hover Boards

Due to safety concerns hover boards and drones are banned from all Dominican University properties and buildings.  Hover boards include but are not limited to self-balancing scooters, hands free segways & electric powered skateboards. Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles, similar to remote controlled model airplanes, many with camera/video capabilities.

Emergency Contact Information

All students are required to provide the University with the name of an emergency contact person.  Emergency contact information can be completed, reviewed and updated through myDU.  If the student is under the age of 18, the emergency contact person must be a parent or legal guardian. 


The emergency contact person may be contacted during medical emergencies, depending on the severity of the situation.  Students are also able to identify different contact information if there is a missing student report or a mental health emergency.


Failure to submit emergency contact information may result in a fine.

Emergency Notifications

DU provides an Emergency Notification System that will send you a text to a cell phone number that you designate. The intent of this system is to send you a text when an Emergency exists on our campus. You cannot opt out of getting messages to your Dominican email, but you can choose to get email messages and texts to other email address and phone numbers. 

To enroll in the Emergency Notification System, login to MyDU (http://mydu.dom.edu) and click on the Emergency Notification System link on the left hand side of the page.

Events with Food

Student groups that require food at their meetings/events must follow the guidelines established by Dining Services.  Dining Services is the contracted catering provider for Dominican University and menus are available to groups upon request.  Any outside food, either catered, purchased, or homemade, must be approved by Student Life for events and meetings. The only exceptions to this policy are individually wrapped and sealed items that do not require heat or refrigeration. Requests for approval must be received one week prior to your event or meeting.

For any food being distributed by student organizations, information must be posted and available regarding where the food was purchased as well as ingredients contained in the food.

A food vendor may donate food items to an event or organization in exchange for publicity or marketing purposes. However, such donations must be approved through Student Life.

If food is being provided by a third party vendor, student organizations must first complete the waiver process with Dining Services. Food Handling Licenses must be on site at any event with food from outside restaurants.

Student organization events sponsored with food are subject to further review by Student Life.

Food Guidelines                                                                                                      

  1. All food must be at a temperature as set out by FDA or recommended guidelines
  2. Any food reheated must be reheated to an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees (within two hours of cooking).  Take temperature in various places.  Stir where applicable prior to taking temperature.
  3. Individual condiment packages are recommended.  Condiments must be covered.
  4. Keep raw products separate from ready-to-eat foods.
  5. Raw foods, including fruits and vegetables, must be washed thoroughly in a proper sink and held in a sealed container.
  6. Obtain food and other supplies from reputable, licensed sources.
  7. Plastic and wooden utensils are not to be reused.
  8. Do not reuse opened foods (such as bread); they can easily become contaminated by customers or servers.
  9. Plastic gloves are MANDATORY for all ready-to-eat food.  Washing hands frequently is the most effective means of sanitation.  When using gloves, they must be changed if anything other than food is touched.
  10. Food and money must be handled separately. A food server should handle food and a cashier should handle the money.

Facilities Use

Students must abide by the posted hours and purpose for facilities and buildings.

Only recognized student organizations and groups may reserve university facilities for approved events and activities.  All facilities reservation processes must be followed.

Film Policy

The Federal Copyright Act (Title 17, United States code, Public Law 94-553, 90 Stat. 2541) governs how copyright materials, such as movies, may be utilized publicly. Neither the rental, nor the purchase or lending of a videocassette or DVD, carries with it the rights to exhibit a movie publicly outside of the home unless the site where the video is used is properly licensed for copyright compliant exhibition.

Furthermore, copyrighted movies borrowed from other sources such as colleges, public libraries, personal collections, etc. cannot be used legally for showings in colleges and universities or in any other site which is not properly licensed.

Things to note regarding copyrighted movies:

·         Any film shown that is not part of an academic class must have a license

·         Any film shown in an individual’s residence hall room is considered private viewing and does not require a license

·         Any film shown in a common area of a residence hall is considered public viewing and requires a license

·         A license is required for a film viewing regardless of whether the event is open to the public or not

·         A license is required for a film regardless of the size of the  audience

·         A license is required for a film regardless of whether admission is charged

·         A license is required for a film regardless of the year of the film’s production

·         Rented films, regardless of source, require a license for public viewing

·         Purchased or personally owned films require a license for public viewing

Under the “Educational Exemption,” copyrighted movies may be exhibited in a college without a license only if the movie exhibition is:

·         An “integral part of a class session” and is of “material assistance to the teaching content”

·         Supervised by a teacher in a classroom

·         Attended only by students enrolled in a registered class of an accredited nonprofit educational institution

·         Using a movie that has been legally produced and obtained through lawful rental or purchase

Student Life will work with registered student organizations to acquire licenses (organizations will be responsible for covering any fees). Once obtained, licenses are designed for a specific, designated time frame for an individual film.

Failure to obtain licenses may result in legal action. The Motion Picture Association of America and its member companies are dedicated to stopping film and video piracy in all its forms, including unauthorized public performances. The motion picture companies will go to court to ensure their copyrights are not violated. Fines can range from $750 to as high as $150,000 for each work illegally shown. 

Fire Pit & Other Fire Safety Policies

River Forest ordinances prohibit any person from using, selling, delivering, exploding or possessing fireworks in the village.

2003 International Fire Code

IFC 307.2.2 Prohibited open burning.  Open burning that will be offensive or objectionable because of smoke or odor emissions when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fire hazardous shall be prohibited.  The fire code official is authorized to order the extinguishment by the permit holder or the fire department of open burning which creates or adds to a hazardous or objectionable situation.

 307.3.1 Bonfires.  A bonfire shall not be conducted within 50 feet of a structure or combustible materials unless the fire is contained in a barbecue pit.  Conditions which could cause a fire to spread within 50 feet of a structure shall be eliminated prior to ignition.

 307.4 Attendance. Open burning, bonfires, or recreational fires shall be constantly attended until the fire is extinguished.  A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher complying with Section 906 with a minimum 4-A rating or other approved on-site fire-extinguishing equipment, such as dirt, sand, water barrel, garden hose or water truck, shall be available for immediate utilization.

Fire Pit Guidelines:

If any DU registered student org., faculty or staff member is looking to plan a fire pit for an event, they must follow these policies and checklist to ensure that all steps are followed correctly. In accordance to the safety guidelines and local law, these are the policies:

·         The only fire pit that can be used is the one checked out by the Student Involvement Resource Center (Coughlin 040)

·         The fire pit should only be placed at the designated area in the front circle or another area approved by the River Forest Fire Marshall.

·         The fire must be constantly attended until extinguished.

·         Liquid starting agents shall not be used for safety reasons.

·         A Dominican faculty/staff member must present for the entire duration (including setup and clean up) of the fire pit and will be considered the onsite event coordinator.

·         Fire Pit events can be reserved mid-March through mid-November depending on weather and departments availability.

·         The event shall be cancelled for wind gusts greater than 25 mph or if extremely dry conditions exist.

·         Contact numbers of the staff member/s and student leaders need to be provided in the Astra reservation in the case of emergencies or complaints.

·         The garden hose provided by Physical Plant shall be functional before, during, and after the event until the fire is completely extinguished, while fire extinguisher must be present in order to extinguish an accidental spread of fire. The garden hose should be used to extinguish the fire at the end of the event and to clean the fire pit.

·         The bonfire material shall be seasoned firewood ignited with kindling, paper; solid starter fuel blocks, dried pinecones or unprocessed solid lumber pieces. Landscaping and waste materials are not approved.

Fire Pit Check List

*      Reach out to Student Life via beinvolved@dom.edu to see the availability and reservation of the bonfire/fire pit

o   Fire pit will come with metal picnic roasters; confirm this with Student Life when requesting fire pit

o   Make sure to coordinate pick up and return of the equipment based on SIRC office hours

*      Host of event must submit their event request at least 2 weeks prior to event

o   Registered Student Organizations: submit their request into engageDU (this includes their Astra reservation) to be approved by Student Life

o   Non-DU Student Organizations must submit their event request to Astra (campus scheduling system)

*      After event is approved in engageDU and/or Astra,

o   Contact Campus Safety at safety@dom.edu to inform them of the event, confirm the acknowledgement of the above policies and share the cell numbers of event staff, one of which has to be the faculty/staff member

o   Submit a Physical Plant ticket via DU’s online Support Center request for garden hose, fire extinguisher and compost bag for leftover ashes; supplies will be set out at the circle drive prior to the event

*      Event hosts are responsible for purchasing all necessary materials for the bonfire

o   Purchase starter log for an easier start to the bonfire; remember that liquid starting agents are prohibited

*      Bonfire must be completely put out with use of the garden hose before the onsite event coordinator leaves

*      Post event,

o   All left over ashes must be taken in the compost bag to behind the DU kitchen and placed in the compost containers (green and brown containers with wheels)

o   The fire pit can be stored overnight in the parking garage or left out for pick up the next day.

o   Garden hose should be wrapped up and left near the front of Lewis


The University strives to have clear messaging and outreach when seeking donations and contributions. All fundraising aspects that a student organization plans to facilitate regardless of location or size must be submitted into engageDU.  Other fundraising requests must be approved.  University Advancement staff will review the submission and will approve or deny the request. Monetary donations directly to student organizations are not considered charitable donations to Dominican University. Therefore, donors will not receive a receipt from the institution.

Members of student organizations may not independently profit from events or fundraisers held at Dominican University.  Money collected at any event must be deposited into the organization account by the end of the next business day.  Failure to deposit money raised at an event or fundraiser may result in loss of recognition for the organization or other sanctions.

The following policy pertains to all fundraisers, ticket sales, free raffles, information tables and solicitations. All fundraisers that work with food must adhere to the food sale guidelines.

1.       General guidelines on fundraisers

a.       All fundraiser regardless of location or online must be submitted into engageDU for review by Student Life with consultation from University Advancement.

b.       Organizations must list the purpose of fundraisers and recipient of funding on advertisements, event submission form and at site of fundraiser.

c.       All fundraisers must adhere to the policies and expectations listed in the Dominican University Student Handbook.

2.       Facilities:

a.       All registered student organizations must submit an Event Request through engageDU to Student Life for any fundraiser, ticket sale, free raffles or solicitation they are planning.

b.       Any schedulable campus location is available for fundraising, with approval through the Astra platform linked in the Event Request through engageDU.

3.       Pre-order sales tables:

a.       Groups pre-selling items at a table location are considered fundraisers and must adhere to the guidelines listed above.

4.       Event ticket sales:

a.       Groups selling tickets to an event (dance, dinner, etc.) are not considered fundraisers and may be scheduled during a day and in a space that has a fundraiser occurring. The organization may not sell any items beyond the tickets or else it is considered a fundraiser.

5.       Raffles:

a.       No student groups will be allowed to do “chance” raffles where others pay for a chance to win as a fundraiser.

b.       Free raffle drawings for participation at an event are allowed.

6.       Bake Sales:

a.       Should consist of selling pre-packaged  foods obtained from reputable sources

b.       Ingredients and product information should be made viewable and available at distribution table.

c.       Recognized groups and advisors may NOT cook, prepare, bake, etc., any food for sale

7.       ON CAMPUS: Solicitations for items or donations:

a.       Student organizations asking for donations of items or money from the campus community are considered fundraisers and must adhere to the guidelines listed above.

b.       Solicitation drives that include boxed collections, such as food and clothing drives, must have the box locations approved by Student Life and the specific location staff. Solicitation drives are limited to three box locations. Locations where boxes may be placed once receiving permission include: WID Library, WID Coughlin Commons, SIRC, Underground, University Ministry, Center for Cultural Liberation, SSE Suite

c.       All box fronts should be stamped by Student Life and contain the name of the sponsoring group, a contact phone number or email for the organization, name of the drive, and name of the charity receiving the items. It is the responsibility of the group to check the boxes frequently for items.

8.       Scholarships: Before student organizations move forward with starting or planning to raise funds for student scholarships, student leaders must contact University Advancement. University Advancement will approval or deny request. To explore student organization ideas, contact Sara Miller Acosta, Vice President of University Advancement, at sacosta@dom.edu  and Financial Aid.

9.       Solicitations for items or donations from local businesses, corporate companies, individuals or other agencies for funds or tangible items:

a.       Prior to coordinating for donations or a fundraiser, students must reach out to Student Life via email with specific details of desired plan. Student Life will then consult with University Advancement and the Business Office for approval.

b.       Students should not move forward with planning or accepting outside donations prior to approval. Groups who violate this policy run the risk of having their event canceled and potential sanctions for the group.

10.  Vendors:
No group may sponsor an outside vendor (i.e. banks, credit card companies, cell phone sales, or other companies selling to or soliciting from students) without the permission of Student Life.


Students are expected to abide by the federal laws and the laws of the State of Illinois prohibiting illegal gambling. Though gambling is permitted under the law in some contexts, students should familiarize themselves with Illinois’ criminal statute on gambling found at 720 ILCS 5/28-1.   For example, this statute allows gambling on sports consistent with the Sports Wagering Act, but the Sports Wagering Act requires that a person placing a wager on sports must be at least 21 years of age.  In addition, note that Dominican University prohibits all forms of gambling on its property or as any part of its activities, as well as the use of the University’s computers or network for gambling purposes.

Guest Responsibility and Visitation

Students and student organizations are responsible for the behavior of their guest(s) while they are on property owned or controlled by the university or in attendance at its sponsored events. The host student or student organization assumes full responsibility for the guest compliance with all prescribed university policies and procedures, including those specific to residence hall visitation.

Residence Hall Visitation

The visitation policy allows for 24-hour visitation on all floors in the residence halls. Residence hall students are allowed to have guests under the following policy:

  1. All guests must check-in and comply with the guest policy and university policies.
  2. All residents must complete the online guest registration form; one for each guest.
  3. Residents will be held responsible for the actions of their guests and/or anyone checked in under their name.
  4. All non-DU guests must present a government issued picture ID. Dominican University commuter students must present their Student IDs.
  5. No one under the age of 12 is allowed in the residence halls after 8 p.m. and before 8 a.m.
  6. Guests under 16 years of age are exempt from showing ID, but must be checked-in and checked out.
  7. The host student must escort their guest(s) at all times, including when a guest is leaving the residence halls and checking out. Guests who are not escorted by their hosts will be asked to leave the hall.
  8. The resident student host and guest must be present at the time of check-in and check-out.
  9. No cohabitation is allowed. Individuals not assigned to the room may not live in the room.
  10. A resident student may have no more than three guests at one time. A resident must have the agreement of their roommate in order to host a guest.
  11. Non-Dominican Daytime Guests may visit the residence halls for a maximum of three separate days per seven-day week.  Dominican Commuter Students will not be limited but must be checked-in and checked-out.
  12. Overnight Guests may stay in the residence halls for a maximum of three nights per month.  An overnight guest is one that is staying in the halls during Quiet Hours - 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and midnight to 7:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. 
  13. University officials, members of law enforcement and/or other approved personnel are allowed in the residence halls without checking in or having a host.
  14. The University reserves the right to require guests to leave immediately upon request.
  15. Violations of the Guest Policy, including failure to check in and/or out guest(s), include, but are not limited to, a possible loss of visitation privileges, fines, or other student conduct sanction. 


All acts of hazing by any individual student, athletic team and university registered student club or organization and any of its members or alumni are prohibited. Students are entitled to be treated with consideration and respect, and no individual may perform an act that is intended to cause ridicule or humiliation, physical or psychological harm or social ostracism to any other person within the university community. Individuals will be held accountable for their own actions, and neither citing the activity as a “tradition” nor being coerced by current or former student leaders of such groups or organizations will suffice as a justifiable reason for participation in such activity. Examples of prohibited behavior under the hazing category include but are not limited to: 

  • Physical abuse, including but not limited to paddling, slapping, kicking, choking, scratching and exposure to extreme (i.e. cold or hot) water temperatures, the consumption of disgusting and/or dangerous concoctions or requiring another to engage in any form of forced physical activity or exercise;
  • Causing excessive mental stress, including but not limited to placing prospective members of an organization or group in ambiguous situations which lead to confusion and emotional stress, sleep deprivation;
  • Verbal abuse, including but not limited to shouting, screaming or use of derogatory, profane or obscene language; or
  • Subservience, including but not limited to any activity which promotes a class system within organizations or activities which facilitate inappropriate levels of authority over students.  Misuse of authority by virtue of one’s leadership position, preventing an individual from attending class, and failing to report any of the foregoing behavior to the appropriate University officials. 

This list is not exhaustive and any student or organization found to be involved in any hazing activity will face conduct action. Violation of this policy exists irrespective of the voluntary or consensual participation in the hazing activity by the person being hazed.

Health Insurance

All F1 or J1 Visa holders must be covered by health insurance that meets University guidelines.  Students with an F1 or J1 Visa must present qualified coverage to the Wellness Center by the first day of class or they will be enrolled in health insurance at the student’s expense.

Identification Card – Star Card

The Star Card is a vital component of your day-to-day experience at Dominican University.  Students are required to have their Star Card on them at all times while on campus.  In addition to identification purposes, the Star Card is used for checking out materials in the library, Meal Plan or Dining Services and building/facility access.

Altering your Star Card or using another person’s Star Card is a violation of the Code of Conduct.

Immunizations and Vaccinations

All students, graduate and undergraduate, are required to comply with the University policy for Immunizations and Vaccinations. 

Students must go to Wellness Center Online, login with DU credentials and document the following: 

  • Two MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) given at least 28 days apart after the first birthday. Individuals born before January 1, 1957 are exempt from MMR vaccine documentation.
  • At least 3 doses of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis containing vaccine are REQUIRED. One dose must be TDAP (tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis) within the past 10 years. 
  • One Meningitis vaccine given after the 16th birthday for students under 22 years of age.
  • COVID-19 Vaccination (completion of primary series required and booster recommended).

Students in education, nutrition, nursing and physician assistant programs must meet additional requirements as determined by their College.

Students that are registered in a fully online academic program, as designated by the College, are exempt from meeting this requirement.  Students that are registered for all online classes in a term but not in a fully online academic program are required to comply.

COVID-19 Vaccination

All students are required to provide documentation that they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.  Please refer to the World Health Organization for the list of approved COVID-19 vaccines. This requirement is in addition to the existing State of Illinois requirements for immunizations. To demonstrate compliance, students need to upload their vaccination card to the Wellness Center online portal.

Being fully vaccinated includes the two week period after the final dose is given. 

State of Illinois Immunization Requirements

Illinois state law requires that these immunizations (MMR, TDAP, and Meningitis) be documented, and if documentation is not available, students may be subject to removal from classes if there is an outbreak of communicable diseases. 

All students, graduate and undergraduate, taking 6 or more hours are required to comply with State of Illinois requirements for documenting immunizations.

Immunization records are available from your high school, previous university or your personal physician and may be uploaded at dom.edu/Wellness. The Wellness Center can affordably provide any missing immunizations and blood tests to verify and document immunity. If you are submitting a blood test as proof of immunity, you need to supply numerical values from an accredited laboratory.


Failure to comply with the University Immunization and Vaccination requirement will result in a $150 fine per semester.

Medical and Religious Exemption

You can apply for a medical or religious exemption. Exemption forms our found here. All exemptions must be signed by a healthcare provider.

Flu Shot

All students are strongly encouraged to get a yearly influenza vaccine to prevent flu.

Tuberculosis Screening


All incoming students are required to be screened for risk factors for Tuberculosis (TB) through a screening questionnaire. International students and students arriving from or having traveled for extended time to countries with an increased incidence of TB will be tested because this subpopulation has been identified epidemiologically as having a higher incidence of Latent Tuberculosis Infection and an increased risk for developing active TB disease.  While all incoming students will be screened, only those students with identifiable risk factors for exposure to TB and/or for TB disease will be tested. Incoming students at low risk will not be tested for TB. Students with a documented previous positive test will not be retested.


Completion of TB clearance is mandatory for all students with a positive TB test.  Failure to complete the process will result in a $ 75.00 fine per semester that will be charged to your student account and potential removal from classes according to state law.

If you have any questions regarding immunization records, please call the Wellness Center at (708) 524-6229.

Information Technology

The policies listed below represent an abridged version of the IT policies. Click here for a detailed list of all IT policies and procedures.

Dominican University email is an official form of communication from the university. Students are responsible for communication sent from the university to their email account. Staff, faculty, and students are expected to check their official e-mail address on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with University communications. All student records are established so that their Dominican email address is the first used by all university systems.

Student email is hosted by Microsoft Office 365 Student emails are formed by your username and “@my.dom.edu”.

You may have your email electronically redirected to another email address; however, if you use email redirection from your DU email address to another email address (ex: @gmail.com), you do so at your own risk. The University will not be responsible for the handling of email by outside vendors.

It is up to you to take the steps that may be necessary with your personal email account to allow for the receiving of email forwarded from their dom.edu email account. These steps may include, but are not necessarily limited to, adding the dom.edu address to a ‘safe-senders’ list and/or adjustment of any spam filters. Having email redirected does not absolve anyone of the responsibilities associated with communication sent to their official email address.

  • For more information on accessing and setting up mobile devices to access your student email account, please visit the Support Center.

Lived First Name

As a Sinsinawa-sponsored institution, Dominican University prepares students to pursue truth, to give compassionate service, and to participate in the creation of a more just and humane world. Translating Dominican’s twin values of veritas and caritas into practice requires that each person who studies, teaches, works, or lives within the university community, as well as all those with whom we interact, be respected, and cared for as a unique individual, within an environment that affirms our shared humanity and pursues the common good.

In support of this commitment, students, faculty, and staff at Dominican University are provided with the option to identify themselves using a lived first name different than their legal first name within select university systems.


· Legal First Name: A legal first name is the first name a person uses for official governmental documents, such as licenses, passports, and tax forms.

· Lived First Name: A lived first name is an alternative to the individual’s legal first name as designated by the individual in university systems.

Declaring a lived first name can be an important part of a person’s identity, especially as it relates to affirming one’s gender identity, and the University recognizes that students or employees may want to use a name that is different from their legal first name.

Dominican University's lived first name policy allows any student or employee to identify a lived first name, in addition to the individual’s legal first name, in select DU information systems. Dominican University acknowledges that lived first names and pronouns should be used wherever possible, and as such, lived first names will be displayed in lieu of the legal first name in university systems that do not have a legal first requirement, or in systems that allow for a lived first name by design. Dominican University students and employees must still be able to provide government-issued identification with their legal first names when required.

Lived first name requests may take up to 72 hours (about 3 business days) to process and for university systems to update with your lived first name. We ask that lived first names meet the following guidelines:

  • A lived first name may not be created for the purpose of avoiding a legal obligation or misrepresentation.
  • A lived first name may be comprised of alphabetical characters and their accompanying diacritical markings.
  • A lived first name must comply with the University’s standards, policies, and regulations including its harassment and discrimination policies and procedures (i.e., not profane, obscene, or derived from hate-speech).

How will lived first names be used?

Lived first names will be used in the following systems and records:

  • University ID card (come to the Support Center to get a new Star Card, free of charge)
  • Card access system
  • Student portal (myDU)
  • Student Involvement and Engagement Portal (EngageDU)
  • Learning Management System (Canvas)
  • myDU class roster
  • Email display name
  • Meal plan, library, and health services display name
  • Human Resources self-service and online time and attendance (paycor)
  • Diplomas (Parchment)
  • Commencement program
  • Academic flags and alerts portal
  • Accessibility office (accommodation forms, medical documentation)

Legal names will continue to be used for official University records, including but not limited to:

  • Student Accounts documentation
  • Financial aid
  • Federal requests for information
  • National Student Clearinghouse (NSC)
  • Transcripts
  • Athletics rosters, where necessary for NCAA compliance
  • Campus Safety
  • Health Services records, health insurance
  • Human Resources employment records, employee reports and payroll

Legal Name Changes:

Students who legally change their name must submit official name change documentation to Stars Connect. Employees who legally change their name must submit official name change documentation to Human Resources.


Legal name change process in Cook County, IL

Starting a case to change your name through Illinois Legal Aid

We welcome your feedback:

Dominican University is committed to improving our practices around inclusion and equity, please send any questions or concerns related to the lived first name policy to the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, pporras@dom.edu .

If you believe your name is being incorrectly used, please reach out to the Dean of Students, deanofstudents@dom.edu.

Meal Plan Requirement

Dominican University requires all students living on campus to purchase a meal plan. Meal plan modifications and exemptions are rare, and these decisions are made based on documented health conditions that require special diets for which Dining Services is unable to accommodate. Please contact Dining Services to discuss your dietary needs.

Missing Person

A student shall be deemed missing when it is reported that the student has been absent from the University for more than 24 hours without any known reason. All reports of missing students should be directed to Campus Safety to begin an investigation. The report of the alleged missing student and any information related to the investigation is maintained confidentially, will be accessible only to authorized campus officials, and may not be disclosed, except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation. 


If a missing student is under the age of 18 years of age and is not an emancipated minor, the Dean of Students is required to notify the parent or guardian of the missing student, as well as any additional contact person designated by the student, no later than 24 hours after the determination by Campus Safety that the student is missing. Regardless of whether the student has identified a contact person, is above the age of 18, or is an emancipated minor, Campus Safety will notify the River Forest Police no later than 24 hours after it determines that any student is missing. 


Off Campus Travel


With the close proximity to Chicago, Dominican recognizes the great opportunities for students to travel off-campus. In order to ensure the safety of students, please abide by the following procedures:

General Off Campus Travel Policies

  • All student organization off-campus travel must be submitted as an Event Request and approved by Student Life. The name, address, and phone number of the off-campus location should be submitted with the Event Request. A primary contact person name and phone number should also be provided.  Other university sanctioned travel must be submitted to the Dean of Students office.
  • With any type of off-campus event, all participants in the program must complete the Dominican University waivers. This document is available from Student Life through engageDU or by contacting the Dean of Students. Each participant must complete the form before the event. A copy of the form must be submitted at least 2 business days before the event date. The original copy should accompany the organization to the event site.
    • Organizations are encouraged to scan signed and completed waivers as a group and email them together as one document to beinvolved@dom.edu..
  • Student organizations must have their off-campus event approved on EngageDU before they can receive funding from SGA.
    • If funding for the trip is coming from SGA or the group’s Sundry account, it is the responsibility of the organization to maintain all receipts from the off-campus travel to fill out reimbursement forms upon return
      • Items that could be covered or partially covered by SGA or Sundry account include but are not limited to:
        • Registration fees
        • Transportation costs (flights, bus passes, gas, etc.)
        • Meals
        • Lodging (hotel, etc.)
      • Items that would NOT be covered or partially covered by SGA or Sundry account include but are not limited to:
        • Alcoholic beverages
        • Entertainment
        • Parking or other traffic tickets
        • Personal gifts
        • Ride share services unrelated to university related activity
  • While traveling for University sponsored events, all students are representative of Dominican University. The Student Code of Conduct applies to all university sponsored activities, including off-campus travel.

Overnight Off Campus Travel Housing Policies

  • Due to safety and security for students, Dominican recommends staying at a hotel or the recommended lodging by the sponsoring host for a retreat or conference.
    • If no reasonable hotel accommodations are available, students may look into Airbnb for lodging options. Any Airbnb must follow the other off-campus travel housing policies.
  • When staying overnight for a retreat, conference, or trip, it is expected that the rooms/accommodations will be gender specific. If a student is uncomfortable with planned arrangements, please contact Student Life at beinvolved@dom.edu or the Dean of Students Office at deanofstudents@dom.edu.
  • Room assignments should not exceed the stated maximum occupants for the room to ensure fire code safety and compliance
  • All overnight accommodations must be submitted to Student Life at least 5 business days before the event, including the name and location of the accommodation and room assignments for all participants.

Off Campus Travel Transportation Policies

  • University Vehicles
    • If reserving a University vehicle, you must follow the university vehicle reservation policy.
    • Be aware that a Dominican University faculty or staff member must be present in the vehicle.
    • Drivers must be registered through Campus Safety and must be at least 21 years old.
    • Students may not drive for more than 3 consecutive hours or six hours in one day
  • Personal Car/Car Pooling
    • Drivers must hold a valid U.S driver’s license, be at least 18 years of age, and have proof of insurance. In case of an accident, the student’s insurance will be responsible for covering the costs of the accident.
    • Drivers must have no known medical conditions that would impair the ability to drive safely
    • Students may not drive for more than 3 consecutive hours or six hours in one day
    • If car pooling, at least one person other than the driver shall be awake at all times and remain in the passenger seat
    • Vehicles may be driven between 6am and 12am only. Groups should plan on housing accommodations for overnight travel if needing to travel outside those hours
    • If car pooling, the number of passengers is limited to the number of seatbelts in the vehicle
    • Drivers are expected to obey all traffic rules and ordinances, refrain from using their cell phone, and to not operate the vehicle in unsafe or hazardous conditions (ice, snow, heavy rain, etc.)
  • Bus/Train
  • Flying
    • For travel over long distances (longer than 4 hour drive), flying should be considered
    • In cases for flying, every effort should be made to obtain the lowest fare possible
    • Flight information for each traveler must be submitted at least 5 business days before the flight, including name of passenger, flight departure and arrival, and flight number
    • Any delays or flight changes must be reported to beinvolved@dom.edu
    • If there is a concern that a member might not have a valid form of identification for flying, please contact the Office of Student Life at beinvolved@dom.edu and we will work with the student to try and connect them to resources to gain a means of identification that can be used for flight travel

One Process

The university is committed to fostering a work and educational environment free of bias-motivated offensive conduct, racial and ethnic harassment, discrimination, and hate crimes. The university prohibits any member of the community, including faculty, staff, administration, students, or visitors to campus whether they are guests, patrons, independent contractors, or clients from discriminating against another person or member of the university community. One Process prohibits such conduct in accordance with federal and state laws including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Illinois Human Rights Act.  One Process policy to all employees, students, vendors, and outside guests and applies equally to all members of our community regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability or age of any of the individuals involved.

Please visit One Process for the complete policies and procedures. 


Campus Safety is responsible for monitoring vehicles parked on campus. Campus Safety officers patrol the parking garage and parking lots to help create a safe environment. They are also charged with the responsibility of ticketing parking violators and enforcing parking regulations.

The Dominican University parking garage and parking lots are only open to properly registered and permitted vehicles. Please review the full parking policy here.

Parking Permits

Parking permit information can be found online.

Parking Tickets

Dominican University parking tickets are issued for parking violations on campus. The due date for fine payment or appeal is 14 days from the date of the ticket. The amount of the fine may be added to your tuition bill or deducted from your paycheck.

Campus Safety officers will ticket the following violations:

  • Vehicles without a valid permit.
  • Vehicles improperly parked in lots, fire lanes, near fire hydrants, handicapped spots, loading docks, reserved parking, other restricted areas, and vehicles exceeding the speed limit.
  • River Forest Police also ticket violations in fire lanes, handicapped spaces, and near fire hydrants.

Additionally any vehicle displaying a falsified permit, counterfeit permit, unregistered permit or an unauthorized copy of a permit will be considered in violation of the parking policy and will be ticketed and forwarded to the Student Conduct process.

Parking enforcement is in effect 24 /7 and 365 days a year. Parking at Dominican University is allowed by permit only.

Vehicles receiving a third ticket will have an orange tow warning sticker placed on the driver’s side window. This warning sticker is to inform the vehicle operator that the vehicle is eligible to be towed away at the owner’s expense. On the fourth violation, the vehicle will be ticketed and towed.

The River Forest Police Department also patrols and tickets on campus. River Forest Police generally ticket vehicles blocking fire lanes or throughways and handicapped parking violators. River Forest tickets are completely independent of Dominican University. To appeal, one may have to appear in front of a village hearing officer or in court.

Parking Ticket Appeals

To appeal a Dominican parking ticket, submit a Support Center case. A review board will meet and communicate the outcome to you via your DU email.

Political Campaign Activities

Dominican University is committed to the free and open discussion of ideas and opinions. As part of its dedication to active citizenship, the university encourages students, faculty, and staff to exercise their civic rights to participate as individuals in the political process.

Dominican University is also a non-profit, private institution of higher education whose activities are regulated in part by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code*. As such, the University is explicitly prohibited from participating in or attempting to influence campaigns for any elective public office or any political initiative (such as a public referendum). The university may not endorse a candidate or ballot proposal, provide or solicit financial or other support for candidates or political organizations, or establish political action committees. 

This policy is adopted by the university in an attempt to balance these competing considerations.

Individual Involvement in Campaigns by Faculty and Staff

Members of the University community are free to engage in Political Campaign Activities provided that they do so solely in their personal capacities, without using University resources, and avoid any appearance that they are speaking or acting on behalf of the University. If a faculty or staff member is listed as a supporter of a political campaign or initiative, it must be without mention of institutional affiliation, or with a disclaimer indicating that their actions and statements are their own and not those of the University.

University staff and faculty should not engage in political activity at university functions or through official university publications. No employee should feel pressured by colleagues to contribute to, or perform tasks in support of, a political campaign.

If a member of the faculty or staff is running for political office, no campaign activities should be conducted on campus, in order to avoid the appearance of a university endorsement.

Use of Facilities and Resources

Use of university facilities and resources in support of a political candidate, party, referendum or political action committee (PAC) that could give the appearance that the university is supporting one candidate or position over another is not permitted.

Examples of Prohibited Uses include, but are not limited to:

  • Using official university stationery, wordmark, seal, email, telephones, computers, printers and copiers.
  • Providing mailing lists, office space, telephones, photocopying, computers or other institutional resources.
  • Posting a hyperlink on a university-administered website to a candidate or campaign site.
  • Using official University social media platforms to promote a candidate, platform or campaign site.

Statement on Teaching and Academic Freedom

This Policy does not restrict the study or discussion of political issues or the teaching and learning of political techniques or otherwise affect academic activities concerning public policy issues. As a University committed to the pursuit of truth, Dominican affirms the right of its faculty to research any question, no matter how controversial, and to generate new knowledge using the tools of academic disciplines. A faculty member has a right to disseminate new knowledge to professional colleagues, the general public, and to the students. In an instructional setting, academic freedom protects what and how a professor chooses to teach, as long as the ideas being explored remain germane to the subject matter.


The University recognizes the importance of balancing our commitments to academic freedom and freedom of expression with our responsibilities to protect all members of the University community from harassment and intimidation. Dominican University agrees with AAUP’s recognition that “academic freedom is not absolute” within contexts of interpersonal relationships, behaviors, and communications on campus. The University supports AAUP’s Statement on Professional Ethics, which explicitly states that professors must “avoid any exploitation, harassment, or discriminatory treatment of students.” The University extends these ethical principles to all relationships among members of its community and their guests.

Nothing contained in the accompanying policies shall be interpreted as compromising freedom of expression in all its forms—no matter how unpopular or even offensive—to the extent protected by law.


Dominican University supports the following position from the American Association of University Professors’ 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure as it relates to political activity of faculty: “Colleges and university teachers are citizens, members of a learned profession, and officers of an educational institution. When they speak or write as citizens, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As scholars and educational officers, they should remember that the public may judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. Hence they should at all times be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution.” If the University believes that a faculty member has not complied with this provision, it may subject the faculty member to disciplinary action as described in Chapter 16, Section C of the faculty handbook. The faculty member may appeal such action in accordance with Chapter 18.


Invitations to External Speakers


Dominican University encourages its campus community to sponsor non-University speakers whose presentation will contribute to the role of the university as a forum for intellectual discussion, debate, investigation, and/or artistic expression. Through this forum, speakers bring to the University an opportunity for students to hear and discuss opposing viewpoints on a wide range of issues.  The freedom to express points of view on a wide range of public and private concerns must, however, be subject to reasonable restrictions of time, place, and manner. The right of free speech and expression does not include unlawful activity that, in the judgement of the designee for areas’ academic departments, campus offices, registered student organizations and outside community organizations, would:


  1. Endanger or imminently threaten to endanger the safety of any member(s) of the University community
  2. Pose a threat to the physical facilities
  3. Obstruct or disrupt the normal functions of the University
  4. Present an inordinate financial risk to the University to ensure the safety of campus and community members
  5. Engage in behavior that is indecent or is grossly obscene or grossly offensive on matters such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation/gender, expression that is inconsistent with accepted norms of conduct at the University

Registered Student Organization/Clubs should contact the Dean of Students’ office for specific guidelines on inviting external speakers to campus. Academic and Administrative units should contact their departmental chair/Dean, or respective Vice President, for specific guidelines on inviting external speakers to campus.  Please see the University’s Student Involvement Manual for additional information.

If a candidate is invited by the University to speak in a non-campaign capacity or is invited to participate in a public candidate forum on campus, no campaign or candidate shall be permitted as part of the event to: (a) conduct a rally; (b) distribute campaign literature, buttons or banners; or (c) conduct fundraising on campus or using University Resources.


Non-University Groups utilizing University property or facilities for Political Campaign Activity shall be charged standard, published fees for using University facilities, related services by University employees not covered by the published fees, and all expense incurred and paid to third parties by the University as part of the event. The University shall rent facilities to Non-University groups for Political Campaign Activity only after ensuring such use does not conflict with other University facilities use requirements. If facilities are rented to one campaign or candidate, facilities must be made available to all other campaigns and candidates at the same terms and prices. The University may choose not to rent facilities to campaigns or candidates.


Additionally, non-University groups renting facilities for Political Campaign Activities shall: (a) comply with all University requirements concerning use of University facilities by non-University groups including, but not limited to, insurance and security; and (b) make full payment for all services received. No services shall be provided at a reduced rate or at no cost.


If a campaign or candidate is renting space on campus, invited by a recognized student organization, or participating in a public candidate forum, all written materials and advertisements concerning an on-campus appearance of a campaign or candidate shall include the following disclaimer, which must also be announced at the start of an event: (a) the views expressed are those of the candidate or person speaking for the candidate or campaign only; (b) Dominican University does not support or oppose any political candidates; and (c) the name of the sponsoring organization shall be identified.


Promotional materials concerning Political Campaign Activity or a campaign event taking place on campus cannot use Dominican University logos or photos of campus.


Student Publications

Student publications may run editorials expressing the editors’ views on candidates for public office, provided that the publication’s editorial policy is free of editorial control by university administrators or faculty advisors. A statement on the editorial page must indicate that the views expressed are those of the student editors and not those of the university.

Voter Education and Voter Registration Programs

Certain voter education activities (including presenting public forums and publishing voter education guides) conducted in a nonpartisan manner do not constitute prohibited Political Campaign Activity. In addition, activities intended to encourage people to participate in the electoral process, such as voter registration and get-out-the-vote drives, would not be prohibited Political Campaign Activity if conducted in a nonpartisan manner.  Voter registration and “get out the vote” drives by university-sponsored organizations must be done on a non-partisan basis (i.e., they may not focus on a particular party or platform).

IRS Guidelines Governing Political Activities by Non-Profits


General Guidelines

·         Publicity and marketing of the event to campus community or outside organizations should not be done until the event has been approved on engageDU.

·         Publicity must be consistent with University mission and values

·         Publicity can be posted only on designated bulletin boards, limited to 23 posters. An additional 20 posters may be given to Student Life to be posted in the Residence Halls. 

·         Publicity may not be posted on any glass doors, doorways, windows or walls.

·         Publicity must be posted on bulletin boards using a push pin or stapler.

·         Only post one poster per bulletin board

·         Club/Org events publicity can be sent to beinvolved@dom.edu to be included on the TV Monitors on campus

·         ONLY USE MASKING TAPE to post signage or décor; do not use scotch tape, duct, etc. those will leave damage and your group could incur charges. The SIRC has masking tape available for clubs/orgs

·         Publicity must be in good taste and professional looking. 

·         Publicity is to be removed within 24 hours after the event by the sponsoring department/organization. Removing your outdated publicity will reduce the problem of space limitations. 

·         Publicity may not be posted over existing approved publicity.

·         All publicity will be permitted to be posted for a 14-day period. After that time, the publicity must be removed or re-approved by Student Life.

·         Publicity that is posted incorrectly will be removed and discarded.

·         All publicity must state “Sponsored by your organization” and “For more information contact (708) xxx-xxxx/xxx@dom.edu.”

·         Additional guidelines are below for student organizations, departments and off-campus postings.

Posting Areas

There are specific posting areas on campus for Dominican University-sponsored events/activities. Publicity may only be posted on these bulletin boards. Any publicity found posted inappropriately will be removed immediately. The following is a list of bulletin boards where approved publicity may be posted. Each bulletin board is designated as an on-campus posting area.

·         “L”- on the board near the bookstore

·         Lower Level of the Crown Library – next to elevator

·         Lower Level of Lewis Hall - near entrance to Tech Center

·         Center Lewis Stairwell – on bulletin boards only

·         Parmer Hall- designated locations only: first floor by vending machine, first floor by elevator, North entrance foyer

·         Parking Garage- both stairwell boards

·         Fine Arts Building – first floor by the copier

·         Lower Level Student Center – bulletin board at the bottom of the stairwell from the Clock Lobby to the Underground

·         MAC – second floor near 210

The following are NOT approved locations for posting areas.

Stairwells in Lewis; Lewis Alcove; Social Hall; Clock Lobby; Cyber Café Pillars; Cyber Café entrance (between sliding glass doors); Parmer Hall Atrium, Parmer stairwells and doors; lockers; elevators; bathrooms/bathroom stalls; floors; sidewalks. 

Flyers are not to be posted in the Banner/Large Poster areas. Flyers from these areas will be removed and recycled.

Banner/Large Poster Policy

Due to the limited space available to post large publicity, large publicity/banners will be posted for no more than seven days.

The following are approved areas for posting banners:

·         Dining Hall,

·         Lower Level of Crown Library

·         Lower Level of Lewis Hall.

All banners and large posters must be hung using masking tape. All banners must be stamped/approved.  If it is not, it will be removed and recycled.  Flyers are not to be posted in the Banner/Large Poster areas. 

In the case that your event is in the Social Hall and you have a banner/flag to hang by the wires in the room, you must submit a physical plant request a week prior. Your banner/flag can go up 1 day before as part of the event when you have the space reserved (if there is no other event), but it cannot be hung more than 1 day early or left up for continuous promotion.

Table Tents

Table tents are not allowed on Dining Hall, Cyber Café or other tables.

Clubs and Organizations Posting Requirements

Student Life must stamp all advertising: posters, flyers, banners, table tents and other similar notices.

Publicity must state “Sponsored by your organization.” Also, you should always include: “For more information contact (708) xxx-xxxx and organization’s email.”

Publicity will not be approved if all necessary paperwork is not completed and the event/activity has not been approved.

A club or organization found to be in violation of these guidelines will be sanctioned as appropriate.

Pronoun Policy

Dominican University recognizes that an individual’s pronouns are more than a preference — they are forms of self-determination, self-expression, and self-affirmation. The University extends this accommodation to help foster a more welcoming, supportive, and respectful campus climate for all students.

Dominican University's pronoun policy allows any student the option to indicate their pronouns in DU information systems. Dominican University acknowledges that pronouns should be used wherever possible, and as such, pronouns will be displayed in systems that allow for that form of identification. Systems involving government verification may still list a student’s assigned sex at birth. Further, certain systems may not display an individual’s pronouns due to design limitations.


a) Pronouns – A pronoun is a word that refers to either the people talking (like I or you) or someone or something that is being talked about (like she, I, them, and this).

b) Gender Pronouns – The pronouns that we use to refer to people in sentences and conversations

c) Sex Assigned at birth – referring to the biological aspects of an individual as determined by their anatomy, which is produced by their chromosomes, hormones and their interactions

d) Gender - a social construction relating to behaviors and attributes based on labels of masculinity and femininity; gender identity is a personal, internal perception of oneself and so the gender category someone identifies with may not match the sex they were assigned at birth

Places Where Gender Pronouns are Used:

  • Class lists
  • Canvas
  • Most university communications
  • MyDU

Places Where Sex Assigned at Birth is Used:

  • Student Employment
  • Federal and State Agency Reporting

Students may designate pronouns they want to use by entering this information in the following section. Students may add, edit, or remove their pronouns at any time.

The following guidelines are provided from Springfield College:

  • It is important to ask for pronouns because you cannot assume how someone identifies their gender based on their appearance.
  • As a society, we commonly assume the gender of others by their appearance and indicate these assumptions by using gendered language, such as she/he, ma’am/sir, Ms./Mr., and ladies/gentlemen.
  • This practice results in many individuals, especially trans and gender-nonconforming individuals, being misgendered, which may lead them to feel disrespected, marginalized, and invisible.
  • It is a privilege to not have to worry about which pronoun someone is going to use for you based on how they perceive your gender. If you have this privilege, yet fail to respect someone else’s gender identity, it is disrespectful and hurtful.

How can I be inclusive in using and respecting gender pronouns?

  • Respecting someone’s self-identification means using the gender pronouns with which they identify. Some people go by more than one set of pronouns.
  • Normalize the process of indicating your gender pronouns in everyday use with strategies such as including them in your email signature, business cards, website profile, and nametags, or using them as you introduce yourself (i.e., "My name is Tou and my pronouns are he and him. What about you?”)
  • If you do not know or have not asked someone’s pronouns, try to use “they/them” pronouns.
  • Ask individuals (only if they are comfortable) to provide their personal pronoun(s). It can feel awkward at first, but it is not as awkward as getting it wrong or making a hurtful assumption. Here are some ways you can do this:
    • “What pronouns do you use?”
    • “How would you like me to refer to you?”
    • "Can you remind me what pronouns I should be using for you?"
  • Please note that if a student, staff, or community member tells you that they do not want to disclose their pronouns or do not wish their pronouns to be public knowledge, you can refer to that person by their name only (i.e., Leo’s book is over there. Can you please hand it to Leo?).

What if I mistakenly use the wrong pronouns for someone?

  • The best thing to do if you use the wrong pronoun for someone is to say something right away, such as “Sorry, I meant they.” Fix it, but do not call special attention to the error in the moment. If you realize your mistake after the fact, apologize in private and move on.
  • It can be tempting to go on and on about how bad you feel that you messed up or how hard it is for you to get it right. But please, don’t. It is inappropriate and makes the person who was misgendered feel awkward and responsible for comforting you, which is not their job. It is your job to remember people’s pronouns.
  • If you hear someone else using the wrong pronoun, in most cases, you may gently correct the person who made the mistake without further embarrassing the individual who was misgendered. You can say something like, “Actually, Neera uses ‘they’ for themselves.”

Pronouns Dos and Don'ts


  • Do recognize that most people have pronouns, not just trans people, and that asking pronouns is very important, both so someone is not misgendered and so that trans people are not the only ones who will feel the need to share their pronouns.
  • Do remember that some people go by more than one set of pronouns.
  • Do ask people the pronouns they use for themselves whenever you ask people their name, such as when you meet someone for the first time or when you do go-arounds at meetings. Keep in mind that people may change the pronouns they go by, so it is necessary to ask pronouns in go-arounds regularly.
  • Do say “the pronouns someone uses” or “their personal pronouns,” rather than “their preferred pronouns,” because the pronouns someone uses are not a preference.
  • Do remember that not everyone feels comfortable indicating their pronouns at all or in every setting and no one should feel forced to do so.
  • Do consider using other ways to make language more gender-inclusive, such as by using “Hey, everyone” or "How are all y'all doing?" in a group setting instead of “Hey guys!” or “Hey ladies!" or "How are you guys doing?” Browse more gender-inclusive terms.


  • Don’t describe the pronouns someone uses as “preferred pronouns.” It is not a preference. The pronouns that a person uses are their pronouns and the only ones that should be used for them.
  • Don’t say “male pronouns” and “female pronouns.” Pronouns are not necessarily tied to someone’s gender identity: some trans people use “he/him/his” or “she/her/her,” but do not identify as male or female, respectively.
  • If you conform to (most) gender expectations and are not a transgender person, don’t indicate that you “don’t care what pronouns are used for me.” Such statements reinforce the privilege of people who are gender conforming and not transgender because these people are not going to be misgendered and thus do not need to worry about the pronouns that people use for them. It also invalidates the experiences of gender nonconforming and transgender people, many of whom struggle with getting people to use their correct pronouns.

We welcome your feedback:
Dominican University is committed to improving our practices around inclusion and equity. If you believe your pronouns are being incorrectly used or if you have any questions or concerns related to the pronoun policy, reach out to the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at pporras@dom.edu .


Residence Halls

Each student in the residence halls is expected to exercise self-discipline and to respect the rights and privacy of other students. In a community living environment, rules and policies must be observed by everyone in order to maintain the operation of the residence halls, as well as the personal and academic success of all residents.

If a student engages in behavior that violates student life or university policies, an incident report can be filed. Any student or staff member may file an incident report. Students and staff members should inform the involved parties when they are being documented for an incident. Policy violations will be subject to the Student Conduct process, Title IX or One Process.

Appliances and Electrical Equipment

Students may not cook in their room. Electric skillets, broilers, hot plates, toasters and other equipment normally used to cook food are not allowed. For safety reasons, halogen lamps, space heaters, candle warmers, electric blankets, electric sheets or mattress pads, soldering tools and sun lamps cannot be used in student rooms. Students will be held financially responsible for damages caused. Other small appliances, such as coffee makers and popcorn poppers, can be used if the heating element is completely enclosed. Incandescent and fluorescent study lights are allowed. Small refrigerators and small microwaves are allowed. The electrical requirement limits are 120 volts, 60 hertz, 2.5 amps.

No antennas of any type are to be attached to the outside of the residence halls. This includes CB antennas and satellite dishes outside windows of student rooms.

Air conditioners are not allowed in the public areas or private rooms of residents. The buildings are not equipped to handle the electrical needs of such items. Anyone needing a window unit A/C must submit proper documentation to the Accommodations and Disability Access (ADA) office and receive approval prior to installing any air conditioning units. A room assignment may need to be shifted to accommodate the electrical requirements in the building.

Check-In/Out Procedures and Dates

All residents must officially meet with a member of the Student Life staff when checking into a room, when checking out of a room or when changing rooms. Failing to check in and check out is a violation of residence hall policy. Improper check-out will result in a fine of $150 or more. Students not leaving by the closing date will be charged $150/day. Damages or missing items will result in additional charges to the students’ account.

When moving into a room, students must fill out and sign a room condition report indicating necessary repairs, along with a checklist indicating the general condition of the room. When students check out of the room, students will fill out and sign the same room condition report. Students will be held responsible for damages to their rooms during the time they lived there or any missing furniture.

Students may also elect to do an express check out, in which case they return their keys and ID in an envelope provided by Student Life. By selecting this option, students agree that any charges that may be applied at check-out cannot be disputed.

Students must check out either 24 hours after their last final or by noon on the Saturday of winter closing, or 5 p.m. the Friday of spring closing. Any belongings left in the student’s room after the official date of closing becomes property of the university and will be disposed of appropriately.  Students may be fined for an improper check-out.

Dates for check-in and check-out are defined by Students Life to align with the terms in the Housing Contract.

Common Areas

Commons areas are available for studying, socializing, meetings and programs. The lounge furniture is not to be removed for use elsewhere. If furniture is missing from a lounge or damaged or unusual cleaning is needed, the hall, floor, cluster, suite and/or wing will be held financially responsible. A charge of $25 per day will be assessed for unauthorized university furniture found in a student’s room. Resident students may not leave any furniture from their rooms or any other personal belongings in any common area of the university, including in the hallway outside their room. Student Life may conduct searches for missing common area furniture at any time.

A kitchen is available for student use adjacent to the Coughlin Commons. Students must supply their own cookware. Any damages in the kitchen will be included in the resident’s damage billing. Residents choosing to use it are expected to maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen. The kitchen may be closed down due to lack of cleanliness.

Courtesy Hours

Courtesy hours are in effect at all times, 24 hours a day. A student should request another resident to alter their noise level if it is disruptive.   A student or staff member can document a situation if noise is excessive, including loud music, yelling, etc. 

Disruptive Behavior

Each resident can have a maximum of three additional individuals in their room at one time, following the guest policy.  This includes guests and other residents.  If, in the opinion of a university official, the number of people in a room is disruptive to the community or not following community expectations, the individuals may be asked to leave. 

Quiet Hours

Quiet hours are in effect from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and midnight to 7:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. During these hours, residents are expected to reduce their noise level, both inside and in the vicinity of the residence halls, to a level that will not disturb other residents. During final examinations, the Student Life staff will institute a strictly enforced 24-hour quiet hour policy.



Fish are the only pets allowed in the residence halls, with all roommates’ permission. Spot inspections will be made if there is a probable cause to believe that animals other than fish are living in the residence halls. Aquariums cannot be larger than 10 gallons and must be removed from the residence halls during all breaks. Students who are found to have animals other than fish living in their rooms will be referred to the student conduct process.

Room Changes

Room changes are not encouraged and are not allowed until the third week of the semester. After this time, a room change is warranted only after all residents of the room have attempted to work out any differences. Any resident wishing to change rooms should contact his or her RA who will mediate a conflict resolution meeting. If a room change is still requested, Student Life staff will meet with the students involved to determine a resolution and/or room change. Roommate agreements will be utilized as a tool during mediation conversations and will be revised to meet the changing needs and expectations in the resident’s shared space. Students must follow proper check-out and check-in procedures when changing rooms. If a student changes a room without authorization from the Office of Student Life, they are subject to a fine.

For room changes that are mutual swaps and agreed upon by all parties, students need to fill out the room change form from the Student Life website. For students whom are unhappy with their current room and would like to change rooms, they can go on the wait-list, also available on the Student Life website. Student Life will review the wait-list periodically each semester. For any students switching rooms at the semester break, all room changes must be completed prior to leaving campus in December.  Room change requests will not be accommodated after March 31, 2023 unless there is an emergency or safety concern approved by Student Life.

Room Condition

Rooms should be in the same general condition when residents move out as when they moved in. Residents should be careful not to cause any permanent damage to their rooms.

If a resident damages his or her room, the Student Life will bill the resident’s account for the damage, replacement and labor cost. Student Life has discretion with regard to billing students for damages and improper check out. Final charges for damages will be assessed after check-out and cannot be appealed after June 15, 2023.

Students may not make permanent structural changes in their rooms. This includes painting, wallpapering, wallpaper borders, attaching loft panels and paneling. Residents are asked to use masking tape to fasten pictures and posters to the walls. Glued picture hooks, nails, and/or scotch tape are not permitted. Waterbeds are not permitted. Lighted signs, alcoholic beverage or drug related signage, alcohol container displays, and street or public works signs are not permitted and will be considered stolen property. Window screens must remain in place and closed at all times. Residents may be charged for screens that are not in place.

The outside of a room, including doors and windows, is considered a common area. Displays offensive to others or decorations that are a fire hazard are prohibited.  Nothing is permitted to be visible in the windows, hanging or attached outside the window.

Room Consolidation

Student Life has the authority to move a resident into a double room that is being occupied by only one person. First-year students are rarely allowed to occupy single rooms. First-year students will be consolidated into double rooms if at all possible. Any student who has been assigned to a double room as a single may be assigned a roommate at any time. Advance notice will be given to those students, when possible.

Room Entry, Room Search and Confiscation

Students can expect to have a reasonable degree of privacy in their residential spaces and in the community at large.  However, when circumstances warrant, Campus Safety Officers and Student Life staff are authorized to enter a student's room.  Circumstances warranting entry relate to safety, security, health, legal, student conduct, or general well-being concerns.  Students are expected to cooperate with those conducting a search and/or carrying out their duties associated with room entry.  Reasonable effort will be made to ensure that the student whose room or property being searched is present.  If a student(s) is present and does not permit a search, Campus Safety will inform the student(s) that local law enforcement may be contacted and an involuntary search may be conducted. If the student is not present, the student will be notified in writing of the search, the reason for the search, and its outcome. 

Campus Safety personnel and/or Student Life staff may enter rooms when staff has reasonable cause in the following circumstances:

  • A violation of health or safety regulations or of university or residence hall policy is suspected.
  • Possibility of an emergency exists involving immediate danger to life, safety, health and/or property.
  • When a noise disturbance exists in the room.
  • Use of drugs or alcohol or evidence of another crime or policy violation is suspected.
  • It is suspected that an act of vandalism has occurred or is occurring.
  • If a particular item or piece of information (such as medication or telephone number) is located in the room and would be useful in responding to an emergency involving immediate danger to life, safety, health or property.
  • For periodic environmental checks (i.e. furniture inventory, engineering/cleanliness concerns). All efforts will be made to conduct these checks during fall, winter and spring breaks and at the discretion of the university.



  • Any items confiscated during a room search will be photographed where found as evidence. Those items seized in a search will be secured in a locked evidence locker by Campus Safety personnel. If the item(s) are legal but not allowed in the residence halls, they may be returned depending on the circumstances and/or the outcome of the student conduct hearing. Returning items is at the sole discretion of the university.

Room Inspections

Scheduled room inspections will occur before breaks and after the halls have closed. These inspections are conducted to ensure that building maintenance, safety, sanitation and property control requirements are being followed. The Director of Student Life and/or their designee will notify students of a room inspection explaining how to properly prepare the room. Failure to prepare one’s room is considered a violation of policy.

An unscheduled room inspection may happen at any time. Students should be aware that any items prohibited by law or university policy may be confiscated and the incident will be referred to the Student Conduct process. 

If a student leaves belongings in their room after they move out of the residence halls, those items become property of the university and the student will be charged an improper check-out fee.

Sporting Equipment

Students are not allowed to use any type of sporting equipment in the residence halls, including student rooms, hallways, lounges, stairwells and restrooms. Wearing cleats, roller blades or skates is not permitted in any building.  Dribbling, kicking, or other playing of balls/athletic equipment is also prohibited.


Thefts should be reported to campus safety staff immediately. Doors should be locked at all times and personal belongings should not be left unattended. Dominican University does not accept any responsibility for loss or theft occurring in the halls. Residents are financially responsible for all damage and loss of university property. Students are encouraged to obtain renters’ insurance policies.  If students would like the River Forest Police called for an alleged theft, they can make that request to the Campus Safety staff.

Vacation and Break Housing

Residents are expected to vacate the residence halls during break periods. Dining, recreational and other university services may not be available during university break periods. Students who receive permission to stay during school breaks may be assessed a housing charge and may be required to participate in a university meal plan.

At the end of each semester, all students must officially check out of the residence halls within 24 hours after completing their last final examination or by the time the residence halls officially close, whichever occurs first.

Since students receive the university schedule at the beginning of each year, travel plans must be made accordingly. Extensions to arrive prior to the start of a semester or stay after will not be given readily. Early arrivals or drop-offs will only be made in special situations.

Service and Emotional Support Animals

As outlined in Dominican University’s One Process policy, Dominican University provides reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. The University allows individuals with Service Animals access to buildings on campus, including University Housing. The University will allow qualified students with disabilities to have Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) in University Housing on a case-by-case basis according to the policy outlined below.


Service Animals

Per Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Dominican University allows a person with a disability to be accompanied by a service animal in all places where students and members of the public are permitted to go, except where animals are specifically prohibited due to a health or safety hazard. Service animals are defined as dogs (and in some cases miniature horses) that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, and alerting/protecting a person who is having a seizure. The provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship do not constitute work or tasks for the purposes of defining a service animal. The work or task the animal has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Additionally, service animals must be fully trained before entering Dominican University classrooms or housing. Commuter and Resident students with service animals should contact the Coordinator for Accommodations and Disability Access in the Academic Success Center, located in the Learning Commons on the 1st floor of the Rebecca Crown Library to ensure your needs are met on campus.


Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)

Per the Fair Housing Act, Dominican University provides reasonable accommodations for a

student with a disability to have an emotional support animal (ESA) in University housing. An ESA is an animal that is necessary to afford a person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling when there is an identifiable relationship or nexus between the person’s disability and the assistance the animal provides. An ESA is prescribed to an individual with a disability by a health care or mental health professional and is an integral part of a person’s treatment process. Emotional support animals include species other than dogs and miniature horses, but are typically limited to common household animals. Multiple animals, exotic animals, insects, and farm animals are not typically considered reasonable accommodations at Dominican University. Emotional distress resulting from having to give up an animal because of a “no pets” policy does not qualify a person for an accommodation under federal law. Emotional support animals are generally only allowed within a student’s residence in University housing. Requests for an ESA as a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability should be made to the Coordinator for Accommodations and Disability Access in the Academic Success Center, located in the Learning Commons on the 1st floor of the Rebecca Crown Library.










Requirements for Service and Emotional Support Animals in University Housing


Students must first contact Accommodations and Disability Access:

  1. Students who seek to have a service or emotional support animal in University Housing must notify the Accommodations and Disability Access Coordinator (ADA@dom.edu) as soon as possible, ideally at least 60 days prior to move-in.
    1. Students with service animals who will live in university housing are required to have an interactive conversation regarding the role of the service animal with the Accommodations and Disability Access Coordinator. Additional documentation may be requested.
    2. Students submitting requests for ESAs must have their treating professional complete Dominican University’s Documentation Form for Emotional Support Animals in University Housing. Letters and certificates are not acceptable documentation for ESAs. The Accommodations and Disability Access Coordinator will then invite the student to an interactive conversation. Following the meeting, the Coordinator will notify the student if their accommodation request has been approved.
  2. The student must complete the Service and Emotional Support Animal Agreement in full and agree to comply with its rules.


Students must then provide information to the Office of Student Life:

  1. Students with approved ESAs and services animals will receive a Housing Accommodation Approval form and a copy of their signed Service and Emotional Support Animal Agreement that they must share with the Office of Student Life by emailing housing@dom.edu
  2. Prior to bringing a service animal or ESA into Dominican University housing, students must also submit the following health information on the animal to housing@dom.edu
    1. A Certificate of Health signed by a veterinarian certifying the animal is:
  • healthy and free from any infections, contagious diseases, parasites, etc.
  • Up-to-date on immunizations
  • Spayed or neutered (for dogs and cats)
    1. Proof of license and registration (Rabies #)


Students must provide health information on the approved animal each year:

Students with service animals or emotional support animals in student housing are required to submit an up-to-date certificate of health and immunizations to the Office of Student Life (housing@dom.edu) each year they will reside in university housing. Failure to do so before the 1st week of a new academic year will result in a warning. Students will then have two weeks to submit the necessary records before they will be required to remove a service or emotional support animal from campus housing.


No animal is permitted in university housing that:

1.   Has not been approved as an accommodation by Accommodations and Disability Access

2.   Is out of control or not housebroken

3.   Poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others

4.   Would cause substantial physical damage to University property or the property of others

5.   Would pose an undue financial and administrative burden

6.   Results in a fundament alteration of the University’s program(s)


Students in housing will annually sign an Agreement which articulates expectations, which include the following.

  • While Dominican University strives to keep students’ needs for accommodations confidential, animals that are not approved ESAs or service animals are not allowed in university housing. Therefore, a student’s approval for an ESA or service animal in student housing will be disclosed to Campus Safety, the Physical Plant, all Student Life staff, and other residents.


  • Generally, ESAs are not permitted in any area other than the student’s on-campus residence, immediate surrounding area, and in common indoor areas, as needed, to enter or exit the building. Requests for an ESA to accompany a student to other campus locations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


  • Animals must be housebroken. The student is responsible for properly containing and disposing of all animal waste. Indoor animal waste must be placed in a sturdy bag and tied securely before being disposed of in outside trash dumpsters. Outdoor animal waste, such as dog feces, must be immediately retrieved by owner, placed in a plastic bag and securely tied before being disposed of in outside trash cans.


  • Animals cannot be left unattended for more than 24 hours at any time. If the student must be away, the owner must either take the animal with him/her, or make arrangements for the animal to be cared for elsewhere. In the case of an animal that requires that waste be expelled outdoors, student must not leave the animal unattended for more than 8 hours at a time (I.E. – Dogs).


  • All required immunizations must be up-to-date and a copy of the immunizations will be shared      with the Office of Student Life.    


  • Proof of license and registration (Rabies #) will be shared with the Office of Student Life.


  • Dogs and cats must be spayed or neutered. A copy of the veterinarian’s report will be shared with the Office of Student Life.


  • A Certificate of Health signed by a veterinarian certifying the animal is healthy and free from any signs of infections, contagious diseases, parasites, etc. will be shared with the Office of Student Life.


  • Collars and tags must be worn at all times. A tag identifying the owner and contact information in case of emergency must be worn.


  • The student is responsible at all times for the actions of his or her animal. The student is responsible for any odors, noise, damage, or other conduct of his or her animal that disturbs others or damages the premises or personal property.


  • ESA/Service animals must be controlled by handler/student at all times. The student must keep the ESA/service animal on a leash/lead when the animal is in a public area (e.g. common areas of a residence hall, outdoors on campus, etc.), unless the service animal is required to perform a task that it could not accomplish while on a leash/lead or the student is unable to handle a leash/lead, in which case the animal must be kept under control by voice, signals, or other effective means.


  • ESAs must be crated/caged in the dorm room while not accompanied by the student.


  • ESA/Service animals must be maintained in a manner that takes into consideration the health and hygiene of the animal and those who come in contact with the animal. Animals may NOT be bathed in the bathrooms of any residential facility.


  • To reduce the risk of damage to the student’s room, food and water dishes should be placed on mats within the student’s room and these items should be cleaned in designated areas. To reduce the risk of pests, all animal food should be contained within a covered/sealed storage container.


  • The student is responsible for assuring that the animal does not interfere with the operation of the residence, cause undue difficulties for other residents, or fundamentally alter the living environment. Sensitivity to residents with allergies and to those who fear animals is important to ensure a positive residential community. The University will work with all parties to meet the needs of the student with the animal as well as students with allergies and animal fears. The University reserves the right to change the housing assignments to accommodate all parties.


  • Any time the student requires service by Physical Plant, if the student’s animal will be in the residence, the student must arrange a time when he/she will be present for the services to be performed.


  • The student is financially responsible for the actions of the animal including bodily injury, property damage, and replacement or cleaning of damaged furniture, carpet, curtains, etc. The student is expected to cover all costs of returning the unit to the same condition of move-in (other than ordinary wear and tear). This includes costs associated with any additional cleaning that may be required after the student moves out of campus housing.


  • The Office of Student Life or designated personnel will inspect the residential unit on a regular basis.  If fleas, ticks, or other pests are detected, the unit will be treated using fumigation methods by the University approved pest control services. Those costs will be put on the student’s account.


  • The student is responsible for instructing others on appropriate interactions with the animal and setting clear expectations.


  • Roommates will be notified about the animal. The notification will include the type of animal, size, and what services the animal performs. Roommates may request a room change from the Office of Student Life if they have a desire to do so.


  • If the student violates any provision of this document; he or she may be required to immediately remove the animal from Campus Housing.



If a requested accommodation is not approved, or a student is required to remove a service or

Emotional Support Animal (ESA) due to a violation of the Service and Emotional Support Animal Agreement, the student may attempt to work with the Accommodations and Disability Access Coordinator informally to resolve the complaint. If the informal process is unsuccessful or if the student does not wish to use it, a formal grievance may be initiated. All formal grievances should be submitted via Dominican University’s One Process Policy.


Student Complaints and Grievances

Dominican University provides several means by which student complaints and grievances may be addressed. In all cases, students are advised to put their complaints in writing and carefully document the events that led to the complaint or grievance.  For complete information go to: http://www2.dom.edu/about/concerns-and-complaints.

Student Record

All students are required to keep their student information (name, address, phone number, etc) up to date in their student record maintained through Stars Connect.  This includes submitting a local address if living off campus and not in your permanent home.

Title IX

Consistent with the University’s Non-Discrimination Notice and the U.S. Department of Education’s implementing regulations for Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) (see 34 C.F.R. § 106 et seq.), the University prohibits Title IX Sexual Harassment that occurs within its Education Programs or Activities pursuant to this Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy (“Policy”).

For purposes of this Policy, Title IX Sexual Harassment includes Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment, Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking.

Administrators, faculty member, staff, students, contractors, guests, and other members of the University community who commit Title IX Sexual Harassment  are subject to the full range of University discipline including verbal reprimand; written reprimand; mandatory training, coaching, or counseling; mandatory monitoring; partial or full probation; partial or full suspension; fines; permanent separation from the institution (that is, termination or dismissal); physical restriction from University property; cancellation of contracts; and any combination of the same. 

The University will provide persons who have experienced Title IX Sexual Harassment ongoing remedies as reasonably necessary to restore or preserve access to the University’s Education Programs or Activities.

This Policy applies to Title IX Sexual Harassment that occurs within the University’s Education Programs or Activities and that is committed by an administrator, faculty member, staff, student, contractor, guest, or other member of the University community. 

This Policy does not apply to Title IX Sexual Harassment that occurs off-campus, in a private setting, and outside the scope of the University’s Education Programs and Activities. This Policy does not apply to Title IX Sexual Harassment that occurs outside the geographic boundaries of the United States, even if the Title IX Sexual Harassment occurs in the University’s Education Programs and Activities, such as a study abroad program.  Title IX Sexual Harassment that occurs either off-campus, in a private setting, and outside the geographic boundaries of the United States is governed by the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy.

Click here to read the full policy.

Dominican University’s Office of Campus Safety publishes the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The 2021 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report contains 3 years’ of campus crime and fire statistics that were reported to Campus Safety.  It also includes certain Dominican policies concerning sexual misconduct, campus safety, alcohol and other drugs, access to campus and where students should go to report crimes. 


The use of tobacco products is prohibited at all times while on Dominican University property.

  • Tobacco is defined as all tobaccoderived or containing products, including, but not limited to, cigarettes (clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes, vape pens, cigars and cigarillos, hookahsmoked products, and oral tobacco (spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff).
  • Use of tobacco product is defined as follows: The inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying of any lighted smoking material on campus property, including but not limited to all outside property or grounds owned or wholly leased, sidewalks, parking lots, outdoor seating areas, stadium seating and all landscaped and recreational areas and all university vehicles and moving equipment.
  • Smoking materials must be extinguished and disposed of prior to entering upon Dominican University property, or exiting your vehicle. Improper disposal includes but is not limited to: littering (i.e. discarded cigarette butts and/or throwing cigarette butts out of windows).