
Why is Dominican University changing it's password policy?

DU has implemented a strong password policy to protect the data of faculty, staff and students and to better conform to best practices and standards. The DU Password Policy states that "Passwords are an important aspect of computer security. They are the front line of protection for user accounts. A poorly chosen password may result in the compromise of Dominican University’s entire network. As such, all Dominican University faculty, staff and students (including contractors and vendors with access to Dominican University systems) are responsible for taking the appropriate steps, as outlined below, to select and secure their passwords".


What systems will this impact?

Your network username and password logs you into:

  • computers on campus
  • library databases from off campus
  • N and I drive access from off campus
  • on campus at printers to release print jobs.

Changing your password will not affect your PIN for myDU or for Blackboard.


What are the password requirements?

  • Password Length
    • Minimum password length is eight characters
    • Maximum password length is sixteen characters


  • Password Complexity
    • Contain characters from three of the following four categories:
      • English uppercase characters (A through Z)
      • English lowercase characters (a through z)
      • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
      • Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)


  • Not contain the user's entire Account Name or entire Full Name. The Account Name and Full Name are parsed for delimiters: commas, periods, dashes or hyphens, underscores, spaces, pound signs, and tabs. If any of these delimiters are found, the Account Name or Full Name are split and all sections are verified not to be included in the password. There is no check for any character or any three characters in succession.


  • Password History
    • You may not reuse any of your last three passwords


What is the timeline to change my password?

All users will be encouraged to enroll in the Dominican University Password Manager and change their default network password when their account is initially setup by the IT department.  All passwords more than 365 days old will be expired.


Why am I being required to change my password?

DU has implemented a strong password policy to protect the data of faculty, staff and students and to better conform to best practices and standards. The DU Password Policy states that "Passwords are an important aspect of computer security. They are the front line of protection for user accounts. A poorly chosen password may result in the compromise of Dominican University’s entire network. As such, all Dominican University faculty, staff and students (including contractors and vendors with access to Dominican University systems) are responsible for taking the appropriate steps, as outlined below, to select and secure their passwords".


How do I change my password?

Visit and enroll by clicking the Enroll link . You only need to enroll once After enrolling, click the Reset Password link.


What is the Dominican University Password Manager?

The Dominican University Password Manager (DUPM) is a web-based portal for managing your network account. The self-service portal provides a convenient way to solve your user account problems:

  • Unlock accounts that have been locked out because of repeated invalid logon attempts or for other reasons.
  • Reset account passwords that have been forgotten or compromised.
  • Examine various account problems that may have been caused by changed passwords, locked accounts, etc.