Includes bottles and jars of all colors



Aluminum, tin, steel and bi-metal food and beverage cans only. Aluminum cans foils and trays. Aerosol cans.  Please rinse.



All plastic containers with *PETE (#1) and HDPE (#2), 3, 4, 5, & 7 symbols underneath.


White & Colored Papers

Computer Printout Paper

Copy & Fax Paper

Envelopes with & without Windows

Magazines, newspapers, junk mail

Telephone books,

Cereal and frozen food boxes

Manila File Folders, Post-it Notes

Juice box, milk and juice cartons.

Corrugated Cardboard

Plastic Grocery Bags, dry cleaning bags

Wraps or flexible plastic, plastic sheeting

Aluminum Siding, gutters, lawn chairs, doors

Appliances, computer parts

Styrofoam cups, plates, Peanuts or # 6

Clear plastic bakery or salad containers #6

Dishes and China or Ceramics

Window Glass, Light bulbs, Drinking Glasses

Plate glass & Mirrors, Pots and Pans, Wire,

Motor Oil Bottles

Batteries of any type, electronics,

Miscellaneous metals, tools, wire, wood

Solvent & Chemical containers

Carpet or carpet padding

Cookware, clothes hangars

Empty paint cans


Pizza boxes with food residue.
Ring Binders, Colored File Folders

Plastic Laminated Paper

Paper Towels, Napkins or Facial Tissues

Food Wrappers, or foil backed paper

Carbon Papers

Bound Books (glue binding)

Wrappers from Reams of Paper

Wax coated (food) boxes