Scholarship Opportunity!
The winner of our $200 scholarship is Monika Stepkowski! Thank you for all of your hard work and involvement with club events and meetings! Congratulations!
Scholarship winners get points for involvement and attending events held by Polish Club, financial aid, and a GPA of at least 3.0.
Dominican has a sizeable Polish student enrollment and you are encouraged to apply and be recognized.
Please contact Grace Whiting if you need any help completing the application, .
Duźo Szczęscia!
Mid-Paczki Day 2013
We made $300!
Thank you for all that volunteered during this event. Your work is appreciated and we are very thankful.
Proceeds were donated to
Tęczowy Dom. Dom Pomocy Społecznej dla Dzieci prowadzony przez Zgromadzenie Sióstr Benedyktynek Misjonarek.
At the heart of Mazury, in the picturesque Elk Lakes, is the “Rainbow House” – a complex of facilities for disabled children and youth run by a congregation of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters.
The resort has a long history of caring for children of various causes in need of assistance. It also has its contemporary face: uses the latest methods of rehabilitation and special education. The main goal is to provide the child with homely atmosphere and comprehensive support. Each child is treated individually and led to the great life of independence
We are also sponsoring ThanksGiving, in which we GIVE of our bounty and share with those in need. Each year we – generous DU faculty, staff and students offer to sponsor one or more families for thanksgiving and it is time to ask for your generosity. There will be 50 families sponsoring this year! These are Westside families from St. Joseph Services (Austin and Humboldt Park families). Each of these families is a family in need. So whatever we can do to bring them food to help them feed their family and celebrate increases their gratitude, as well as ours.
Paczki Day 2014
Proceeds will again be donated to Teczowy Dom! Please see the post above for more information on the organization.
This year, we'll be taking pre-orders. This ensures that anyone with a large order of paczki will have everything ready and packed. If interested, please specify the amount and type by contacting
Lewis Link
Thursday, March 20
See you then!