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The Constitution for Eco Club for 2012 - 2013

Ecology Club Constitution


Article 1:  Club Name Origin

            Dominican’s Ecology Club, more widely known as ‘Eco Club,’ retains this name because it is a club that focuses on ecological issues around campus.  Eco Club raises awareness about issues that affect the Earth, in order to help protect it.  The term ‘ecology’ derives from two Greek words - ‘oikos’ which means ‘house,’ and ‘logos’ which means ‘knowledge.’


Article 2:  Mission Statement

            Eco Club is an all inclusive club whose main focus is to raise awareness about, and to take action regarding, what is happening to our home, Earth.  Eco Club focuses on stimulating interest among students, faculty, and staff of the Dominican community who yearn to be more sustainable while still enjoying their daily activities.


Article 3:  Purpose

            The purpose of Eco Club is to make the Dominican community more aware of the environmental issues and daily struggles that our home, Earth, faces.  Along with protecting mother Earth, Eco Club focuses on the meaning and measure of sustainability.  We want to make every aspect of the Dominican community as sustainable and ecologically friendly as possible.


Article 4:  Non-Hazing Policy

            Eco Club will adhere to the Non-Hazing Policy, as stated in the Student Involvement Handbook.


Article 5:  Non-Discrimination Policy

            Eco Club will not discriminate against anyone who wants to become a member.  This club will adhere to the Non-Discrimination Policy, as stated in the Student Involvement Handbook.


Article 6:  Officers and Roles

            Eco Club has the following Officer positions that are considered members of the Executive Board:  President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Publicity Officer.


            Section 1:  President

This position is the overall manager and executive position in the Eco Club.  The President manages meetings, oversees the Executive Board, and coordinates events with Student Involvement.  The President works closely with the Advisor to plan meetings and events; the President is responsible for attending the monthly Presidents’ Council meetings.  The President needs to have skills in delegating assignments, standing strong under pressure, and being extremely prompt both to the Eco Club meetings and in completing and turning all forms necessary for the Eco Club in on time.  The President is in charge of the Eco Club’s myDU website.


Section 2:  Vice President

The Vice President’s main objective is to assist the President.  The Vice President also oversees and aids the Publicity Officer.  Additionally, the Vice President is the go-to person if the President is sick or unavailable.  If the President cannot attend an event, the Vice President becomes the person in charge of that event.


            Section 3:  Secretary

The Secretary is to take very explicit and detailed minutes at each meeting.  It is the responsibility of the Secretary to type up and e-mail the meeting minutes and the dates and times of upcoming general meetings to all Eco Club members in a timely fashion.  Additionally, the Secretary is in charge of the Eco Club’s Facebook page. The Secretary must also submit a copy of the meeting minutes to the Facebook page.

Section 4:  Treasurer

The Treasurer oversees the Eco Club’s budget.  The Treasurer also attends any necessary budget committee meetings and is a liaison to the business office in the matters of refunds.  The Treasurer must keep detailed financial records of all monetary exchanges be it between club members for the good of the Eco Club, event fees, gifts for certain events, or any other reason the Eco Club spends or receives money.  The Treasurer must give a detailed financial report at the monthly Officer meeting.


            Section 5:  Publicity Officer

The Publicity Officer handles all matters concerning advertising relating to the Eco Club’s events and meetings.  This person may call upon the help of other Officer’s, as well as other members of the Eco Club, to aid in the making of posters, flyers, and other publicity matters.


            Section 6:  Officer Training

The Executive Board members (excluding the President), will divide the monthly Officer Training sessions through the course of the year.  It is a requirement that at least one Officer from the Eco Club attend every Officer Training session.  If a session goes without an Officer, then the Eco Club will be put on supervision and be denied aid from certain campus-wide committees for a month. After an Officer goes to an Officer Training, that Officer should discuss what they learned at the training at the monthly Officer meeting.


            Section 7:  Removal From Office

If an Officer continually fails to fulfill his or her duties as stipulated above, the Officer is subject to removal from the position.  The Executive Board will discuss and vote to keep or remove any Officer who fails to fulfill his or her duties.  The vote will be by a majority win.  In the case of a tie, the Advisor will step-in and make their decision and whatever they decide, after hearing both sides, is the final decision.


Article 7:  Elections

            Elections will be held at the end of the Spring semester every year.  The procedure will involve nominations for each Officer position and then the members of Eco Club will submit a vote for each position that has more than one person running.  There will also be mid-term elections at the end of the Fall semester, in which all seats will be up for challenge.


Article 8:  General Meetings

            General meetings will be held during the free period on either Tuesdays or Thursdays, based on the Executive Board’s discretion.  Other days of the week may have meetings as well, but those will be advertised and spoken of before the time of its occurrence. 


Article 9:  Officer Meetings

            Once a month, all members of Eco Club's Executive Board will meet to discuss upcoming events, review past events, and pursue opportunities that will enhance the experience for all Eco Club members.


Article 10:  Finances

            Eco Club will raise money through different fundraisers throughout the year.  If more funds are necessary, the Treasurer will lobby Budget Committee for additional aid in the area of need.


Article 11:  Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution will be added by a majority vote of the Eco Club Executive Board.