Green Tips for Clubs

~ Re-use flyers and posters from previous events.
~ Flip over and print on the opposite side when re-using flyers or posters.
~ Place recycling bins at events with signs directing people to the recycling and an outline of what can be recycled. 
~ Look into off-campus food supplies from organic vendors and/or local grown providers.
~ Attend a GREEN event on or off campus or host one of your own! 
~ If an event is off campus, have a carpooling option or provide group transportation (for long distance, have a train option).
~ E-mail minutes from meetings to members and post them online. 
~ Have club shirts printed on organic fabric!
~ If hosting a bake sale or serving food at an event, bring reusable Tupperware or dishware.
~ Recycle at the end of a meeting (pop bottles, minutes, scrap paper, etc.)
~ Make posters with Eco Tips and post them around campus.
~ Donate unused and leftover material from an event to SIRC!

If ther are any questions or a club is wondering how they can become more 'green,' feel free to e-mail Eco Club at!  We would be happy to point you in the right direction!