Living Color Fundraiser

Date: Fall 2010
This was one of Eco Club's first main events of the year. Members sat in the Lewis Alcove over three days selling poinsettias at $13 a piece. The poinsettias were provided by the Living Color Fundraiser. This event was a great success and we raised a lot of money which pulled Eco Club out of debt. This money was/will be used to sponsor our trip to Washington D.C. for the Power Shift Conference and the Secret Garden Party schedule for the end of the Spring semester.

Aluminum Can and Recycling Campaign

Eco Club is hosting an aluminum can and plastic/glass bottle drive for the remainder of the Spring Semester. There are recycle bins set up around the entire campus and residents halls. Please bring by any cans and/or bottles be sure to rinse them out first before placing them in the bins.
At times, there has been questioning on if Dominican is actually recycling. We can assure you that Dominican University is very committed to sustainability and recycling. For more information on Dominican's efforts click here. However, if you are still skeptical, then please drop off your recyclables at Eco Club's personal bins. The cans and bottles will then personally be taken to a recycling facility during spring break. The funds acquired will go to Eco Club's Powershift Trip and to The Secret Garden Party Event to be hosted this coming April. Please help spread the word and hang on to all your cans and bottles to place them into our recycling bins.