Dominican University students experience an environment that encourages intellectual growth through free inquiry. We recognize that freedom to teach and learn depends upon truthful and caring conditions in the classroom, on the campus and in the larger community. The maintenance of the traditions of truth and caring demands a high standard of respect for the rights and dignity of others and for adherence to the necessary policies established to give order to our daily lives. Dominican University expects responsible social conduct of students, which reflects well on themselves and the university.
Dominican University is committed to fostering a campus environment that is conducive to academic inquiry, productive campus life, thoughtful study and discourse. A community exists on the basis of shared values and principles. At Dominican University, student members of the community are expected to uphold and abide by the standards of conduct that form the basis of the Student Code of Conduct. These standards are embodied within a set of core values that include integrity, social justice, respect, community and responsibility. When members of the community fail to exemplify these values, campus conduct proceedings are used to assert and uphold the Student Code of Conduct.
Ultimately, each member of the Dominican University community is expected to assume responsibility for their conduct and to assume reasonable responsibility for the behavior of others. On occasion, this may involve bystander intervention when one member observes another in inappropriate conduct. At other times it will involve cooperation when the authorities are investigating instances of alleged misconduct.
The Student Code of Conduct is committed to an educational and developmental process that balances the interests of individual students with the interests of the University community. The student conduct process at Dominican University is not intended to punish students. Rather, it exists to protect the interests of the community and to challenge those whose behavior is not in accordance with our standards. Sanctions are intended to challenge students’ moral and ethical decision-making and to help them bring their behavior into accord with our community expectations. When a student is unable to conform their behavior to community expectations, the student conduct process may determine that they should no longer share in the privilege of participating in this community.
Students should be aware that the student conduct process is quite different from criminal and civil court proceedings. Procedures and rights in student conduct proceedings are conducted with fairness to all, but do not include the same protections of due process afforded by the courts. Fair process, within these procedures, assures written notice and a hearing before an objective decision is made. It assures that no student will be found in violation of university policy without information showing that it is more likely than not that a policy violation occurred, and that any sanction will be proportionate to the severity of the violation and to the cumulative conduct history of the student.
Standards of Behavior
In accordance with the university motto Caritas et Veritas, compassion and truth, Dominican University has developed standards of behavior in support of the intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional development of each student.
Dominican University students exemplify honesty, honor and a respect for truth in all of their dealings.
Dominican University students build, enhance and value their community.
Social Justice
Dominican University students are just and equitable in their treatment of all members of the community and act to discourage and/or intervene to prevent unjust and inequitable behaviors.
Dominican University students show positive regard for self, each other, for property, and for the community.
Dominican University students are given and accept a high level of responsibility to self, to others and to the community.
Alcohol and Drug Policy
Drug Free Campus/Workplace Policy Statement
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act mandates that institutions of higher education adopt and implement a policy designed to prevent the unlawful possession, use, dispensation or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by faculty, staff and students and, provide certification to the Department of Education that such a policy is in place. The university has developed this policy not only in response to this federal anti-drug legislation, but also to provide a healthy environment by preventing the use of drugs or the abuse of alcohol within the university community.
Any faculty, staff or student who violates this policy or does not cooperate with the university in its attempts to maintain a drug-free environment will face disciplinary action up to and including termination/dismissal from the university. Such persons also may be required, as a condition of continuing their relationship with the university, to enroll in substance-abuse counseling and/or a treatment program at their own expense.
Individuals violating any town ordinances, state criminal laws or federal laws relating to alcohol or drug use may risk fines and imprisonment. In the event prosecution occurs outside the University, students may also be subject to the University’s Student Conduct process.
Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with resources available in the area for substance-abuse counseling and treatment. In addition, the counseling services in the Wellness Center are available to assist students with substance-related problems. The Wellness Center respects the confidential nature of information shared by participants in its programs. Faculty and staff may utilize the resources in the Employee Assistance Program available through Human Resources to receive referrals. If questions arise related to any of these guidelines or policies, please direct them to the appropriate university department.
This policy applies to all Dominican University faculty, staff and students.
- In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, Dominican University is committed to the maintenance of a drug-free workplace and is committed to rigorous enforcement of applicable laws and policies to support those trying to cope with drug-related problems.
- Dominican University is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace in compliance with applicable laws. The use, possession, distribution, dispensation, sale or manufacture of controlled substances is prohibited on university property or as any part of it activities. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and or dismissal from the university.
- The illegal or improper use of controlled substances can: seriously injure the health of others: adversely impair the performance of responsibilities: and endanger the safety and well-being of fellow employees, students and members of the general public. It is therefore the policy of Dominican University to discourage the use of controlled substances by its faculty, staff and students at any time. Faculty and staff seeking resources for substance abuse issues may confidentially contact Human Resources. Students can contact the Wellness Center for confidential support and resources.
- An employee of Dominican University will notify their supervisor if they are convicted of a criminal drug offense involving the workplace within five days of conviction (this includes student workers). Such conviction will be grounds for mandatory evaluation and possible treatment for a substance abuse disorder, and for disciplinary action up to and including termination. In the event any such conviction involves an employee working on a federal contract or grant, the University will notify the granting or contracting federal agency within 10 days of receiving notice of a conviction.
- This statement and its requirements are promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 enacted by the U.S. Congress. The university will continue its effort to maintain a drug-free environment by adhering to the above policy and by providing on-going drug awareness programs.
- Failure to comply with the foregoing rules will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. The terms of this policy statement are conditions of employment at the university.
Dominican University’s alcohol policy, written in accordance with the Drug-Free Campus Act and Illinois State law, supports the mission of the institution and its academic goals.
- Alcohol is not allowed in public areas of the university. This includes, but is not limited to, classrooms, lounges, parking lots, library, hallways, etc.
- No one under the age of 21 is allowed to possess or consume alcohol.
- Any alcohol that is possessed by a minor, and/or is present during any policy violation even if those present are 21 or over, may be confiscated and/or emptied.
- The manufacturing, brewing, purchasing or selling of alcohol is never allowed.
- Excessive drinking and intoxication will not be tolerated and is a violation of the policy.
- Members of the community who choose to drink will be held fully responsible for their behavior while under the influence of alcohol. Loss of control due to intoxication in no way excuses or justifies violation of state law, university regulations or the rights of others.
- Any violation of state laws regarding alcohol will be considered grounds for university disciplinary action.
Any event sponsored by a student organization or group when students will be attendees and at which alcohol will be served or consumed must follow the following policy. Prior to advertising or marketing an event, approval to have alcohol at the event must be granted. The approval process will begin by contacting Event Services and completing the application for review.
The host/sponsoring department or organization is responsible to comply with all liability and risk management standards, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Registering and purchasing all liquor licenses in compliance with local, state and federal laws.
- Hiring of sufficient security personnel, as determined by Campus Safety, at the expense of the sponsoring department or organization.
- Hiring approved bartenders, at the expense of the sponsoring department or organization, that are trained and certified in TIPS or other equivalent training program. If on campus, bartenders should be provided through Dining Services. If the venue is off-campus, proof of training and certification is required to be submitted for the bartenders before the event will be approved.
- Events at an off campus venue with alcohol are required to submit Liquor Liability Coverage to the University Risk Management Officer. Dominican University may be required to submit Liability Coverage to the venue.
- Supervision of underage persons to ensure there is not underage consumption of alcohol (i.e., carding). No one under the age of 21 is allowed to serve, possess or consume alcohol.
- Removal and disposal of all unused alcohol.
- Any and all costs for insurance or damage to university property are the responsibility of the sponsoring department or organization.
- Alcohol at on campus events with students in attendance is limited to beer and wine.
- Advertising or promoting the availability of alcohol at a University event is prohibited.
- One-price, all you can drink arrangements for alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
- Bring your own alcoholic beverages to an event are prohibited.
- Events that will have alcohol are required to have non-alcoholic beverages and food/snacks available for the duration of the event.
- Events that have students in attendance cannot provide more than one free drink/ticket to each student. Additional tickets must be purchased
Alcohol Policy
- Only those 21 or older may possess or consume alcohol in the residence halls room of those that are 21 or over. Both residents and guests in the room where alcohol is being consumed must be 21 or over.
- Those who are 21 or older are prohibited from giving alcohol to minors.
- No one under 21 may be present in a residence hall room where alcohol is being consumed, unless the student is assigned to that room.
- Anyone of legal drinking age bringing alcohol into the residence hall must cover it.
- Common-source containers (kegs, etc.) are not allowed and will be confiscated and not returned.
- Students may not display empty containers, including but not limited to, shot glasses, bottles, etc in their rooms or in their windows.
- Students are not allowed to display alcohol promotions or advertisements in their room, on their doors, or in their windows.
The unlawful use, possession, manufacturing, selling, and/or distribution of illicit drugs are strictly prohibited at Dominican University. Students, who use, sell, create, possess, distribute or provide controlled substances will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the student code of conduct.
Although Illinois has passed laws allowing the use of medical cannabis and recreational cannabis in certain circumstances, federal laws classify cannabis as a controlled substance and prohibit cannabis use, possession, and distribution on property owned by institutions of higher education or in any activities operated by such institutions. In addition, the applicable Illinois laws indicate that colleges and universities are not prevented from prohibiting cannabis consistent with federal law. As such, the use, possession, and distribution of cannabis on DU’s campus (or other DU property) or as any part of its activities remains prohibited, notwithstanding Illinois laws legalizing the use of medical and recreational cannabis.
Any drug or drug paraphernalia will be confiscated from the student and not returned. This includes, but is not limited to, lighters, roach clips, scales, bowls, baggies, hookahs, bongs, pipes, e-cigarettes, etc.
When adjudicating any case involving drugs, physical evidence of drug use is not required for a finding of responsibility in a case. Scent or smell of drug use, or other behaviors and/or observations made by students and/or university officials and personnel, may be used in determining the outcome.