Campus safety is a shared responsibility. There are many things that you can do to make the campus community safer. No campus safety department can function effectively without the concerted assistance of the community it serves. If you are careful, your time at Dominican will be safer. Remember that, in most cases, criminals are as successful as you allow them to be. Don't give them a helping hand or become apathetic.

It Could happen to you!

On-Campus Residence Halls

Exterior doors are locked for your safety. Do not prop them open.

Do not leave notes on doors indicating you are gone.

Keep emergency numbers in cell phone or by your landline phone, including that of your RA, Public Safety, and Health Services.

Keep small articles of value in a drawer and out of sight. Engrave large articles of value such as stereos or TVs with a personal identifier. Take several pictures of small items of value. Make a record, and keep one copy at school and one copy at home.

Lock your door even if you will only be gone for a few minutes.

If your roommate is sleeping, lock the door if you are going out.

Maintenance staff should have identification. In most cases, maintenance staff will make arrangements with you prior to doing service work.

Report all repair needs promptly.

Contact Public Safety if you suspect someone is acting suspicious. Get a description!

Do not loan out your room key, ID, etc., as these items may be duplicated.