Dominican University’s web site shall not be used to advertise or sell any non-university products or services. “Advertising” means that payment or in-kind gifts are received in exchange for a link or brand placement on a Dominican web page.

Links and logos of commercial vendors may be made in these instances:
·         A logo or graphic for licensed software, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader
·         A logo or link to a contracted vendor who provides services to the university, such as TIAA-Cref
·         A logo or link to a vendor in limited, specific situations and events, such as to Jostens for graduation regalia. OMC and IT shall determine the appropriateness of such a logo or link.
·         A link that serves an educational or mission-related purpose, and for which there has been no consideration received.
Corporate logos should be small and appropriately placed.

DUPAC and related situations
Sponsorships and grant acknowledgements; corporations:

            The logo may be displayed if it is small and appropriately placed on the page, and the acknowledgement of support is clear, leaving no implication of advertising. A link out to the corporation web site is permitted if the link goes to a page that does not feature products, such as the home page or “about” page. Ideal is a page showing community involvement.

            Sponsorships by corporate foundations are acknowledged in the same way; the link goes to the foundation.

            Logos of grant-giving agencies are allowed as well; many grants require the logo be displayed. Also, a link to the agency is permitted as well.


All fundraising on the Web must first be approved by Institutional Advancement and OMC.